Speeki Sustainability Score™

Learn more about the Speeki approach to ratings and scores.


Why sponsor a supplier to obtain a Speeki Sustainability Score™ and get a scorecard instead of demanding an ISO certification?


While having an ISO certification demonstrates high business standards, the process to obtain one is lengthy and requires a team commitment for at least 12 to 18 months. In contrast, the time needed to conduct a Speeki Sustainability Score™ assessment and receive a scorecard is just a few days.For most suppliers (but not all), a request for ISO certification might be overwhelming. In such cases, a rigorous yet rapid and low-cost analysis provided by a Speeki Sustainability Score™ assessment may be a more suitable option.

How is a scorecard different from an attestation or certification?


Certification is conducted by an organisation accredited to issue certificates of compliance with a published standard. Speeki, through its European operation, Speeki Europe, is accredited under International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) rules to certify organisations against certain standards.

Each Speeki Sustainability Score™ is issued based on a quicker and less formal process, reflecting the judgement of Speeki’s experienced experts. While a scorecard is a simpler and faster solution, it typically carries less weight than an independent rating or certification.

How do you stack up against ESG and Sustainability benchmarks?


The Speeki Sustainability Score™ is designed to provide companies with a quick and effective benchmark against their current best practices for ESG and Sustainability. Our assessment process results in a Platinum, Gold, or Silver scorecard.

How do Speeki Sustainability Score™ assessments compare to ISO certification services?


Speeki Sustainability Score™ assessments provide a rapid and efficient benchmark of your suppliers' policies and systems against current best practices in ESG and Sustainability.

In contrast, certification involves a comprehensive examination of an enterprise’s compliance with ISO standards, making it a much larger and more complex undertaking.

How do get your scorecard?


Once purchased, you will complete a Speeki Sustainability Score™ assessment on a specific topic. Your responses and any submitted documents will be evaluated by our expert team, which will then assign a scorecard of Platinum, Gold, or Silver, if applicable.

Is this scorecard available publicly?


Speeki does not publish scorecards; they are made available on the Speeki Sustainability Score Portal. We leave it up to you to decide how to publish them, if at all.

Why should your business trust a Speeki Sustainability Score™ granted by Speeki?


Speeki has been a market leader in providing ISO and other standards certification for over twenty years and is a pioneer in the industry.

We have incorporated our expertise and experience into the fast and convenient Speeki Sustainability Score™ assessment process, enabling you and your suppliers to efficiently and clearly benchmark their business policies and systems against current best practices in ESG and Sustainability.

How could a company use its Speeki Sustainability Score™?


The Speeki Sustainability Score™ can be used for a variety of internal and external marketing purposes, giving your business a competitive edge. It provides an efficient and cost-effective benchmark for how a company measures up against best practices, allowing you to adjust your corporation's policies and systems accordingly.

For example, your supplier can use its Speeki Sustainability Score™ to demonstrate its commitment to effectively managing ESG-related risks and opportunities or incorporate the score into an external branding strategy. This transparency can help overcome consumer scepticism and attract more investors.

Internally, the results can be leveraged to boost staff retention rates and reduce turnover. Sharing these achievements can foster a sense of pride among employees—motivated staff are often more committed and productive.

As an inexpensive gap analysis, the Speeki Sustainability Score™ can serve as a guideline for improving systems related to the selected topic. For instance, cultivating a culture of freedom and safety for staff could facilitate the implementation of a Whistleblowing programme, while enhancing existing diversity, equity, and inclusion systems with more staff-led initiatives can yield greater benefits.

Who provides the Speeki Sustainability Score™ assessment and produces the scorecard?


Speeki is an assurance and certification specialist focusing on ESG and Sustainability. As a world leader in providing assessments and certifications against applicable standards in this field, our leaders bring over twenty years of experience. The Speeki team is involved in every Speeki Sustainability Score™ scorecard. While parts of the process are automated, we also review each response in detail to ensure accuracy and reliability.

What should your supplier complete a Speeki Sustainability Score™ assessment?


Your supplier should complete the assessments and provide the latest company policies, protocols, and other related documentation as required by the assessment.

Can answers be saved to come back to later with additional documents?


Yes, each Speeki Sustainability Score™ assessment is valid and 'open' for one (1) month from the start of the process, allowing you to save your answers and return later with additional documents.

What are the mandatory questions that must be answered? Can these be reviewed in advance?


All questions must be answered, and you can review all the questions before responding. Make sure to complete the questionnaire within one (1) month of starting it.

Is the Speeki Sustainability Score™ assessment scorecard produced straight away?


No, the scorecard is not produced immediately. After Speeki has assessed your answers, documentation, and any follow-up discussions, you will receive your scorecard approximately 10 to 14 business days later. In short, we need time to review all your answers and uploaded documents before providing you with your scorecard.

I would like an audit of my supplier and more detailed review. Is a Speeki Sustainability Score™ right for my supplier?


A Speeki Sustainability Score™ evaluates a business’s policies and systems against current best practices in ESG, governance, and compliance. However, it is not an audit. If you require a more detailed audit, we recommend referring to Speeki's assurance products, specifically the Speeki Partner Integrity™ audits.

Are answers provided as part of a Speeki Sustainability Score™ assessment confidential?


Yes. Your responses are viewed by the relevant assessor on a need-to-know-basis.

For how long is the Speeki Sustainability Score™ valid?


Each Speeki Sustainability Score™ is valid for one (1) year.