Risk Areas: Waste Management

Manage and reduce the impact of your waste

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Typical challenges

Negative impacts of irresponsible waste disposal – release of toxins, microplastics, methane (a GHG), and acid rain.

Rising costs of waste disposal, as space for landfills shrinks and some countries cease accepting waste from others for processing.

Ever-increasing regulatory control of waste management, such as electronic waste producer take-back schemes.

Liability for costly clean-up expenses and compensation for damage caused by improper waste disposal.

Waste disposal is a costly and risky obligation for today’s companies

Waste management refers to the practice of collecting, transporting, processing, disposing of, managing, and monitoring various waste materials. It is important to observe sustainability in this unavoidable practice so that waste is managed as efficiently as possible to minimise its negative impacts on the environment, human health, and future generations.

The goal of sustainable waste management is to reduce the quantities of natural resources consumed, reuse materials taken from nature, and create as little waste as possible. A well-functioning sustainable waste management system should focus on processes and be adaptable as necessary.

Monitor your waste management practices from many viewpoints

Speeki Signals tools can help you listen to the voices of all those involved in your waste handling. Deploy surveys, reports, and AI-enabled conversations to monitor waste disposal contractors and recyclers, and to keep track of how your suppliers are dealing with your waste. Encourage employees to report breaches of the rules in confidence through Speeki Reports, and use Speeki Messaging to keep them informed of waste management policies. Gather public comments and concerns about your waste management performance through social listening.

Guard against criminal involvement in your waste management

The increasing cost of waste management has, in some places, attracted criminal syndicates into the waste disposal business. Speeki Insights analyses your data from Speeki Signals to uncover subtle indications of unlawful activity, such as illegal dumping or secretly releasing liquid waste into watercourses, perhaps in collusion with some of your employees. Protect your reputation by using these insights to ensure that your waste handlers are legitimate and that employees are not being paid off to award contracts to criminals or to look the other way.

Constantly refine your waste management policies and processes

In addition to recommending corrective actions arising from signals and insights received through Speeki, Speeki’s Programme Assessment service will advise you on gaps in your waste handling programme and other ESG activities. Use these recommendations to collect additional signals, refine social listening keywords, strengthen monitoring of high-risk areas, enhance employee training, and generally upgrade your ESG efforts.

How Speeki can help

Talk to an Expert


Design, implement, measure, and manage a management system around each key risk area.

We provide your company with integrated tools to capture ESG signals from your entire stakeholder set, helping you form a holistic view of your organisation’s waste management processes.


Address issues while they are still emerging.

Speeki consultants, working alongside your in-house or external experts and the data from your Speeki Platform, can supercharge your understanding of how your company handles waste. Gain new insight into what is happening to your waste as it makes its way toward final disposal.


Leverage all your great work and derive value from your investment in ESG.

We turn the insights from the analysis into operational plans that neutralise risks before they grow. Our focus is on building a system to minimise waste. This could be as simple as drafting policies and procedures or more complex monitoring and audits.

Share your waste management concerns with us and see how we can help.