Risk Areas: Transparency

Be bold: shine a light on your company and be proud of what it reveals

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Typical challenges

The lack of regulations requiring transparency of relevant information impacts an organisation’s ability to decide what to disclose.

Customers, investors, and regulators expect your company to disclose key information, even as an unlisted private company.

Silence suggests that you are hiding something, and the media and competitors may target you for concealing information. Get on the front foot and start being more transparent.

The challenges of confidentiality, competitive advantage, trade secrets, and privilege all work against disclosures. However, your customers and shareholders demand transparency.

Standardise disclosures and external reporting of key ESG data to build greater trust amongst your stakeholders

Transparency in business is the basis for trust between an organisation and its investors, customers, partners, and employees. Openness and honesty when communicating with stakeholders fosters trust and goodwill, demonstrating integrity and ethical behaviour in your business practice. Other benefits of transparency include boosting employee engagement and morale, encouraging investment, and leveraging honest feedback to improve processes and drive results.

ESG data are not always clearly reported because they can often vary in quality and openness owing to a deficit in standardised reporting systems in the market. Each organisation decides what to report and disclose. Speeki provides a set of ESG tools, from recording signals to analysing them and recommending insights-based actions that enable an organisation to better communicate its ESG objectives, methodologies, and outcomes to its stakeholders.

Gather your data from Signals so you can be transparent to stakeholders around ESG initiatives

The use of mobile digital devices means that information travels fast, especially unfavourable signals, including silence from the organisation on stakeholder-perceived major issues.

Market comments and observations can be as specific as a report on obfuscation of environmental exploitation, or as off-hand as a rumour about human trafficking in your supply chain.

Speeki’s Signals tools help you collect information on the market’s perspective regarding your organisation’s sharing of ESG data, issues, and any corrective actions you may take.

Fill in transparency gaps

Large businesses increasingly have to disclose non-financial data to satisfy their stakeholders’ demands for ESG-related information. But the disclosures may omit risks that are critical from an ESG compliance standpoint, or may send mixed messages to the market. The lack of objective and clear definition of high-risk processes frequently leaves decisions on what to disclose to the discretion of business line heads or regional offices, which can lead to inconsistent or incomplete reporting.

Speeki will help build a set of transparency initiatives that protect the company and provide stakeholders the information they need and demand. Use Speeki’s consulting expertise and the data in your Speeki Platform to combine pertinent data points to remedy incomplete information and insufficient clarity about your ESG initiatives.

Resonate with your stakeholders through more transparent communication of ESG objectives

Speeki helps you create programmes that assign accountability to the appropriate organisational level and ensure transparency and disclosure goals are clearly set out, as well as how they will be achieved.

Speeki is a leader in certifications and standards compliance, so we know precisely what people are looking to see and what they expect to hear from your company. ESG initiatives will impact, or are impacting, the world. Buyers are making decisions on how they do business and with whom based on available external data. It is essential that you get that messaging right.

How Speeki can help

Talk to an Expert


Design, implement, measure, and manage a management system around each key risk area.

We provide your company with integrated tools to capture ESG signals from your entire stakeholder set, to help you form a holistic view of your organisation’s level of transparency. Internally, externally, as well as through traditional media and social media, we help build a dataset that can add value to transparency initiatives.


Address issues while they are still emerging.

Speeki’s core analytics platform and dashboards super-charge your transparency abilities. Gain new insight into stakeholder perceptions of the openness of your communications.


Leverage all your great work and derive value from your investment in ESG.

We turn the insights from the analysis into operational plans that neutralise risks before they grow. Speeki can do a transparency assessment, a best practices gap analysis, build a transparency reporting policy and procedure, help with ESG reporting, populate your web site with relevant data and provide support for updates.

Shining a light on your ESG practices will give clarity to the market and your stakeholders. Speeki will help shine the light in the right places to get the right perspective on your data.