Risk Areas: Risk Management

Identify, reduce and manage threats with better information

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Risk reduced

Typical challenges

Many executives still view the annual risk assessment as yielding little value, as the risks are often too general, already known, and difficult to clearly articulate at a level that can be actively managed.

Difficulties arise in interpreting data into actionable insights due to the unprecedented pace and volume at which information is generated.

There is a lack of a recognised risk management framework to identify and manage ESG risks.

The risk assessment process is deeply flawed, mainly because it is the result of a hurried assessment conducted to 'check a box'.

Power your resilient organisation with risk-informed decisions embedded in daily work

The purpose of risk management is not to eliminate all risks – indeed, no business is without risk – it is to minimise the potential negative consequences of risks. By working with risk managers, employees can make smart risk decisions to improve the business. Risk management makes jobs safer, enhances project success, can reduce unexpected events, and results in significant financial benefits.

Obliterate ineffective risk assessment and protect your organisation from potential stakeholder and regulatory backlash. Common challenges to effectively performing risk assessments are similar in nearly all organisations, but the strategies implemented to identify and prevent these challenges are unique to every organisation. Speeki’s 3-tiered approach offers a holistic viewpoint that helps you efficiently implement a risk-adjusted mitigation strategy to create a competitive advantage that brings superior returns.

Gather hard-to-identify signals about selected risk areas

Collate subtle messages about new aspects or potentially causal associations of a known issue that was previously incompletely documented.

Speeki listens for targeted concepts and colloquialisms specific to the organisation’s selected risks through social media, reports, interviews, and trade and legal information sources.

Pinpoint obscured risk trends that need action

Analyse and predict how these new aspects affect business risks, specifically in terms of bottom-line impacts and how a flawed process opens the organisation to hefty penalties and vulnerabilities. Yet, many businesses still view immediate financial loss as the only casualty, which demonstrates that they have not used a process that, properly implemented, would present opportunities.

Speeki joins the dots and provides qualitative and quantitative data that are tangible and directly related to the risks at hand.

Protect your organisation through effective risk-mitigating practices

Risk assessment should be viewed as a complementary discipline that creates and adds value in sustaining business performance in a risk-intensive world.

Speeki can help your organisation move quickly to act on insights provided by implementing procedures, policies, and accountability. Deploy training modules in the principles of good risk assessment and management to relevant employees and board members. And create a culture where stakeholders and employees can participate in open discussions that reveal true risks.

How Speeki can help

Talk to an Expert


Design, implement, measure, and manage a management system around each key risk area.

We provide your company with integrated tools to capture ESG signals from your entire stakeholder set, to help you to form a holistic view of your organisation’s risk management.


Address issues while they are still emerging.

Speeki’s core analytics platform and dashboards super-charge your investigations and monitoring abilities. Gain new insight into previously unsuspected risks and how to mitigate them.


Leverage all your great work and derive value from your investment in ESG.

We turn the insights from analysis into operational plans that neutralise risks before they grow.

Share your risk management concerns with us and see how we can help.