Speeki Acquire™

We conduct extensive due diligence for acquisition targets.

speeki ESG due dilligence

Interviews. Assessments. Audits. Site Visits. Research.

Speeki, through over 15 years of experience in research, auditing, and assessments, offers investors a solution for ESG due diligence of target companies or investments.

Speeki Acquire™ is a detailed due diligence offering that examines the target company’s position on ESG in significant detail. Our solution is global and typically involves extensive research, interviews, assessments, and even audits of the target company and its operations across over 20 key risk areas using our Engage™ methodology.

Speeki Acquire™ is not a 'sanctions check' or a simple company search; it is a comprehensive analysis of ESG.

What Speeki does with Speeki Acquire™ sets us apart

  • Our briefing at the start of the project is either conducted in person (preferably) or online. It takes about 2-3 hours to scope out the project and its objectives.

  • We engage our senior team with a minimum of 15 years in ESG matters in every project. Our senior team remains engaged throughout the entire project.

  • Speeki Acquire™ uses the Speeki Engage™ methodology to tackle the project and decide the best way forward based on the budget, the timing and the objectives.

  • The Speeki Acquire™ team builds a project plan that could include a mixture of headquarter interviews, regional meetings, audits of specific areas, policy and procedure reviews, and assessments, along with on-the-ground research. For a global company, this will most likely involve a multi-country engagement, based on risk and operations, to focus on areas where we need to gather data to form a true assessment of risk.

  • Delivery-wise, the Speeki Acquire™ project team can be up and running within a day. Depending on the delivery needs, the project can be completed in a few weeks to a month. This is a fraction of the time typically allocated for acquisition due diligence and can easily fit within a standard timeframe.

  • Our team will provide a clear upfront price for the due diligence and develop a comprehensive set of deliverables at a fixed cost. All Speeki engagements include fees and expenses related to travel. We offer a fixed-price solution with a detailed set of deliverables. Most of our engagements are likely to exceed USD 50,000, with some potentially much higher.

  • Our ESG due diligence examines ESG across 20+ key risk areas. This involves more than just public information; it includes deep engagement with the target company, reviewing their policies, procedures, and operations, as well as conducting interviews. We validate their input through targeted audits.

  • Speeki expects our work to be an integral part of the decision-making process regarding whether to proceed with an acquisition. We do not provide 'tick-the-box' efforts.


What most providers include in their 'ESG check' for a due diligence report

  • Other providers use a one-line email to kick off the project, which rarely provides details on objectives, scope, or areas of focus.

  • Other providers delegate the project to resources in the Philippines, India, Poland, or Malaysia. You rarely know who they are, what they do, or their skill sets. Communicating with them is virtually impossible.

  • Other providers use a cookie-cutter template and a fixed price that rarely considers the objectives. The time allocated is typically determined by the price charged.

  • Other providers follow a standard due diligence template that includes company registry information (which is usually publicly available), media research (which often yields little), sanctions checks (mostly irrelevant for ESG issues), and occasionally a site visit (often just a Google Maps check of one location). They rarely look beyond the 'main company' they were asked to assess.

  • Most background check vendors’ software applications are inadequate for covering assessments, audits, onsite work, or in-depth interviews. Their basic products and delivery timelines are often mismatched, and the cookie-cutter approach results in comparatively slow delivery.

  • Other providers will have a set price for a set product. While this gives you some certainty, it is cookie cutter and is likely to be information you already know or which could be learned through an internet search. Most providers charge USD3,500-5,000 for what is simple public research.

  • Other providers will not look at the depth of issues covered in the Speeki ESG model. They will look at some basic anti-corruption elements, maybe some modern-day slavery disclosures and sanctions. Totally insufficient for a proper ESG due diligence.

  • Other providers are there to 'tick a box' and justify some 'due diligence' was done.


The true deliverable of Speeki Acquire™ is more than just a report.

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    Every project starts with a deep planning session that engages our clients to understand their needs and also engages the target to scope out our access to information and people which is essential to our work.

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    Every project leads to the development of a comprehensive report that details ESG against 20+ areas and a rating on each of their areas according to our own Speeki Engage™ methodology. Where possible we show visual maps of achievement and gaps to focus on, which can be helpful post-acquisition.

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    Our projects end with a report out from Speeki experts. The report out is ideally delivered in person and walks through the entire set of findings.

Why is Speeki Acquire™ the right product for your M&A activities?

We know our content

Our team are experts in all ESG risk areas and know how to identify key areas both from a risk perspective and from an opportunity perspective. Our Engage™ methodology is at the heart of our Speeki Acquire™ solution. We have the expertise and the seniority to identify risks that are 'showstoppers' and those that should be completed soon after the transaction closes.

Speed and efficiency

We know that investments are not always done with a lot of lead time. We can get moving quickly and escalate our work to meet deadlines.

We have our own dedicated resources supported by our network of affiliates to get active quickly and engage in a transaction. We follow a strict project management discipline and apply a PM to each and every project.


We have already built workflows, checklists, ratings, and other key measuring systems to assess ESG. We apply these proprietary solutions to our engagements. Our focus is to build the fact base from our research, interviews, assessments, and audits to integrate into our proprietary systems.

Ultimately, this saves time and builds a defensible process.


Key features of Speeki Acquire™

  • Professional reports and recommended actions

    Delivered by a leader in ESG consulting for over twenty years. This is not a researcher conducting public searches.

  • Customer success concierge

    Speeki’s customer success team aims to ensure that every customer has an exemplary experience with Speeki.

  • Multiple language support

    Our project will likely involve multi-country interviews, assessments, and audits in local languages. We have resources ready in most countries to conduct assessments concurrently and in parallel.

  • Clear pricing and time-sensitive delivery

    We offer fixed pricing based on project scope, starting at USD 50,000, with projects typically completed in 8-12 weeks. If you're looking for a basic public records search, we're not the right fit.

esg features

Getting engaged with us on a Speeki Acquire™ project

The first step is to reach out to us and schedule a complimentary introductory call where we can walk through the proposed transaction (having signed an NDA, cleared conflicts, and confirmed independence). This call will establish what ESG due diligence might be appropriate and feasible given the budgets and timelines. We can then propose an engagement to budget and scope the proposed ESG due diligence.


Good ESG management systems


Can you provide specific examples of ESG risk areas that your Speeki Acquire™ solution covers in its due diligence process?

The Speeki Acquire™ solution covers ESG risk areas such as environmental impact, social responsibility, and governance practices. This includes assessing specific issues like carbon emissions, labour practices, diversity and inclusion, ethical business conduct, supply chain sustainability, and more.

How does the Speeki Acquire™ solution differentiate itself from other ESG due diligence providers in terms of the depth of assessment and the expertise of the team involved?

It stands out by engaging a senior team with over 15 years of ESG expertise throughout the entire project, in contrast to other providers who often delegate projects to junior resources. Additionally, it uses the Engage™ methodology to tailor project plans to the budget, timing, and objectives, ensuring a comprehensive and customised approach.

What is the typical timeline for completing an ESG due diligence project with the Speeki Acquire™ solution, and how does this align with the needs of investors and companies involved in M&A activities?

The typical timeline for completing an ESG due diligence project with Speeki Acquire™ is 8-12 weeks, which aligns with the needs of investors and companies involved in M&A activities. This efficient timeline allows for comprehensive due diligence within a timeframe that fits the often limited window available for acquisitions.

Can you explain how Speeki Acquire™ utilises its Engage™ methodology to determine the best approach based on budget, timing, and specific objectives of the ESG due diligence project?

It utilises its Engage™ methodology to determine the best approach based on budget, timing, and specific objectives by conducting a detailed briefing at the start of the project, engaging a senior team, and building a project plan tailored to the ESG due diligence needs of the target company.

How is the pricing for Speeki Acquire™ structured, and can you clarify the range of budgets typically associated with different scales of ESG due diligence engagements?

The pricing for Speeki Acquire™ is structured as a fixed-price solution, including all fees and expenses related to travel. Typically, the budget for an ESG due diligence engagement with Speeki Acquire™ starts at USD 50,000 and can reach around USD 150,000 for larger assessments, reflecting the depth and comprehensive nature of the service provided.

Still have questions?

Contact us for more information.