Hong Kong is pushing forward with its green credentials

With our team in Cityplaza, Taikoo Shing, we support companies in Hong Kong to improve ESG and Sustainability and meet any local reporting requirements.

As Hong Kong continues its journey towards ESG and Sustainability reporting through requirements introduced by the HKEX, SFC, and HKMA, many large companies are already being required to comply or explain their positions via ESG reports.

Speeki provides ESG and Sustainability software, consulting, sustainability due diligence, and assurance solutions. Our focus is not just to meet the needs of reporting requirements, but to actually make a difference for companies and generate value through managing ESG and Sustainability risks.

ESG is more than just climate metrics

ESG and Sustainability cover over 20 different topics. While not all of these may be 'material' and require some form of disclosure, they may still be important to you or your stakeholders.

Tackling ESG and Sustainability will make you a better company. It will drive improvements with your suppliers, employees, stakeholders, regulators, and customers. It will force you to look into the future, become more sustainable, and help the planet endure.

While regulators are mostly focused on climate change, your stakeholders are not – it's just one of many areas that they care about. Whether you're grappling with carbon footprints, emissions calculations, ethical supply chains, whistleblowing, corporate governance, human rights, or being selected by your customers as a 'safe and sustainable' option, Speeki is your solution. Our approach to ESG and Sustainability can help you meet regulatory requirements and build a better and more sustainable company for the next generation.

With a focus on building and managing programmes across material (and important) topics within the ESG and Sustainability spectrum, you can identify new opportunities, engage your stakeholders, and become a stronger business.

ESG and Sustainability are not a cost to your business; they are a growth engine.

Increased regulation by the Hong Kong authorities will require you to disclose climate metrics

Authorities are already mandating the reporting of information, especially by companies listed on the HKEX. ESG reporting, primarily focused on climate disclosures (based on TCFD), is now active, with a significant number of companies following the HKEX Guidance on Climate Disclosures.

Even if you are not required to disclose, you should still be building your key programmes on non-financial ESG topics

You may not need to disclose data right now, but you may have to in the future. If you also operate outside Hong Kong, you may need to report in those countries as well. Of course, your stakeholders may require you to report on these issues regardless.

ESG solutions for Hong Kong businesses

How Speeki can help your business in Hong Kong

Depending on the type of company you are, you may have mandatory or optional reporting requirements in Hong Kong. However, whether you are required to disclose or not, an ESG and Sustainability strategy is no longer optional. Your stakeholders expect it, your customers expect it, and the planet demands it. Every listed or major company operating in Hong Kong should develop a comprehensive strategy around ESG and Sustainability as a growth engine for both your business and for Hong Kong.

Develop an ESG and Sustainability strategy first and start building initiatives 

Before considering mandatory reporting, you need to develop a clear strategy. With this clear strategy and an understanding of risk and materiality, you can build or retrofit existing programmes. If well designed, your programmes will generate the data needed for reporting and disclosures.

Remember, ESG and sustainability is more than measuring emissions.

The Speeki platform includes embedded tools and guidance across all ESG topics

Speeki stands out by offering more than just consulting. We design, build, and maintain our own SaaS software with embedded tools for incident reporting, surveys, disclosures, and more. Facilitate effective communication, promote transparency, and engage stakeholders like never before.

The Speeki platform is more than just software.

Climate change reporting is coming first for most large companies

It is true that climate reporting is the initial area chosen for regulated disclosures. However, like every other country, it certainly won't be the last. Expect to see disclosures around human rights issues, bribery, whistleblowing, waste management, and energy consumption. Most countries are now requiring broader disclosures, and if a country isn't, your customers will be.

Speeki helps you build a proactive system instead of merely reacting to requirements.

Developing a sustainability programme with Speeki allows you to cover all topics in a consistent manner

By choosing Speeki, you're not just adopting a platform; you're partnering with a leader in ESG and Sustainability solutions. From building and maintaining ESG and Sustainability programmes to driving accountability and generating reports, Speeki supports your journey in ESG and Sustainability, as well as other non-financial reporting aspects.

Managing the performance of your non-financial programmes will be your advantage.

Hong Kong companies will need to do these three things

Build your strategy and conduct materiality assessments

Building your ESG and Sustainability strategy is complex, as ESG covers at least 20 different areas. Your strategy should clearly define your boundaries and scope, and you should conduct a materiality assessment. You must consider broader ESG topics, not just greenhouse gas emissions.

Understand climate risks and build a scenario analysis

While climate risks are just one of the 20 or more areas you need to focus on, they are important as they are reportable risks. Focus sessions, working groups, and collaboration with your stakeholders will help define your scenarios, including how you impact the climate and how the climate impacts you.

Build programmes across key material topics

Your role isn't to set a set of ESG and Sustainability targets and walk away; it is to build a programme to meet each and every target across all of the ESG topics – particularly reducing waste, reducing energy consumption, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, driving supplier transparency, whistleblowing, and governance.

ESG and Sustainability Expert

Scott Lane

Scott Lane has worked as a leader in global companies across legal, compliance and governance for most of his career. Having been based in Hong Kong for almost 15 years of his professional career, Scott understands the culture and needs of Hong Kong companies. Scott is a strong strategic thinker and communicator who helps align large companies on a common goal. Scott is based in Asia.

Scott Lane

How Speeki can help you with ESG and Sustainability in Hong Kong

Build an overarching ESG and Sustainability strategy and kick off your focused initiatives

You will need a clear strategy led by the board and executed through management. With oversight and assurance, your board can feel comfortable that ESG and Sustainability are a competitive advantage, not simply a cost. Working with the board and management, we help you understand risks and opportunities and define a strategy to execute.

Build your strategy around corporate sustainability due diligence and manage risks in your supply chain

Many countries are now requiring you to conduct deep-dive due diligence on your value chain. Even if Hong Kong doesn't have this requirement, other countries in which you operate do. Plus, you will undoubtedly be impacted as a supplier to major companies. Lean in and get ahead of the regulations.

Gain a certification against an ISO standard for key ESG areas, highlighting your extraordinary commitment

Through our subsidiary Speeki Europe, Speeki is a globally accredited certification body for ISO management system standards. Subject to our independence rules, we can certify you in Hong Kong (and your global operations) against standards like anti-bribery, compliance, governance, social responsibility, whistleblowing, and more.

The Speeki platform builds and implements your strategy in one secure online solution

Speeki can be used by a wide range of entities in Hong Kong, including businesses of all sizes across various industries. Whether a small enterprise starting its sustainability journey or a large corporation enhancing its ESG practices, Speeki has software and solutions that cater to your company’s needs.

Do you need help with certain ESG topics, or with moving from a policy to a programme?

Speeki can help you build a whistleblower solution, an anti-bribery compliance or management system, or a global human rights and modern-day slavery system. With consulting, technology, and assurance solutions, we are ready to step in and add value to your business.

Speeki can assure your ESG reports before submission to a regulator

Speeki provides assurance solutions across ESG and Sustainability. Subject to our independence rules, we can build a plan for an audit and assurance of your ESG reporting. Validate your reporting with the comfort of independent assurance.

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Your ESG and Sustainability journey in Hong Kong begins here

Do you have questions, or are you ready to take the next step? Reach out to our expert team for a personalised consultation and see first-hand how Speeki can transform your ESG initiatives.
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