Speeki follows ISSA 5000 as our standard for assurance for all Speeki Guardian projects.

Speeki Guardian™ adopts ISSA 5000 as the guiding principles on all
Speeki Guardian™ assurance assignments.
The International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants has issued new sustainability-related standards for ethics and independence in sustainability reporting and assurance. The International Standard on Sustainability Assurance (ISSA) 5000, General Requirements for Sustainability Assurance Engagements, is applicable across various sustainability topics and frameworks, and is designed for use by both professional accountants and non-accountant assurance practitioners.
When used alongside the sustainability-related ethics and independence standards issued by the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants, ISSA 5000 provides a unified global approach to address the growing demand for trustworthy sustainability information to support stakeholder decisions.
For jurisdictions that adopt it, ISSA 5000 is effective for all periods beginning on or after Dec 2026.
Speeki Guardian™ also follows the CEAOB Guidelines Limited Assurance on Sustainability Reporting.
These guidelines have been specifically released to guide Independent Assurance Software Providers like Speeki on how to deliver on sustainability report assurance projects. We have adopted these guidelines in full in all of our Speeki Guardian™ | Sustainability Report Assurance engagements.
Learn more about how Speeki follows these guidelines with the attached information guide.

When Speeki provides Speeki Guardian™ assurance on CSRD, ESRS, GRI or IFRS S1 and S2 sustainability reports, we take that responsibility very seriously.
We elevate assurance at Speeki when delivering our Speeki Guardian™ solutions.
As part of any Speeki Guardian™ project, our team conducts its evaluations independently. Their recommendations on whether to provide limited or reasonable assurance is based on their experience and independence.
Speeki has a committee that evaluates whether the Speeki Guardian™ audit methodology has been respected, whether the findings and analysis are based on appropriate documentation, and whether the recommendation to award or deny assurance is consistent with the information detailed in the report.
Other key controls
We take independence seriously and have a process in place to ensure we are conflict-free. Every team member declares any potential conflicts each time.
If you’re not happy with something, you can leave a confidential report using our whistleblowing system. Check our whistleblower page for more information.
If you want to appeal a finding or decision, we have a process for having an assurance reviewed if you would like a second assessment.
We take our role as assurers seriously.
Speeki Guardian™ clients can be assured that we follow the best guidance and standards available for assurance whenever they are released.
While many of these are still being implemented globally, we are focused on complying with them even in draft form and ensuring that we can prove that to our clients.
Much of these oversight rules focus on two key areas: competence and independence. These two areas are at the heart of our Speeki Guardian™ solution and we are proud to reflect this in our work.
We have developed a comprehensive management system to ensure assurance projects are delivered free from conflict, impartially, and to extremely high standards.
There are many companies that claim they can assure your sustainability reports. To ensure that we maintain the highest levels of assurance quality, competency, and independence, we are audited annually by two separate ISO accreditation bodies* for our ISO certification work. We leverage the same management system to apply to non-ISO projects as well, like Speeki Guardian™.
Speeki's subsidiary, Speeki Europe, based in France, is our entity that provides assurance. We bring a long history of expertise in auditing and assurance in the key areas of ESG and sustainability.
*American ANAB and French COFRAC: Comité Français d’Accréditation is the French accreditation body (Accreditation N°4-0609. List of locations and scope available at www.cofrac.fr).