Speeki Guardian™ | Assurance for Sustainability Reports

Transparent. Fixed Price.  

Pricing for your Speeki Guardian™ | Assurance for Sustainability Reports engagement is determined based on an annual fee, fixed for a three-year term. In order to give your oversight team some help to budget for your assurance project, we provide some details below on our pricing models and some tips on how you can reduce the cost of your ongoing assurance of your sustainability statements and reports.

Speeki Guardian™ | Assurance for Sustainability Reports

We value the work done before us and other certifications of ESG and sustainability data you might have already.

Many companies use the ISO model to have aspects of their ESG & sustainability programmes certified by accredited certification bodies.

This certification may be of your anti-bribery management system, your health & safety system or even verification of your GHG carbon emissions. The rigour of an ISO certification by an accredited body contributes to our assessment on price.

To put it simply, if parts of your ESG & sustainability reports have already been reviewed, the data validated, or the governance model checked, and it syncs up with the reporting standard requirements - then we will leverage that work as much as possible and not re-invent the wheel.

The main factors impacting pricing are simple.

There are a few key factors that we look at when scoping out the fixed price engagement for a Speeki Guardian™ | Assurance for Sustainability Reports project. Learn about some of these here and how addressing them up front, may help to lower your costs.

Scope and number of disclosures.

Limited vs Reasonable Assurance, number of disclosures and the complexity of review of those disclosures will impact our price.

Reporting Standards being considered.

We cover IFRS S1 & S2, ESRS (under CSRD), GRI, and many other frameworks. Pricing will depend on the standard being applied.

Data complexity and technology used.

If your data is spreadsheet or based on manual input and lacking in technology then it is likely to be more expensive to assure.

Size of the company and the governance model

Our model includes time with management, the board and senior leaders. How many, their locations and their roles will impact some of our pricing.

We include a few extras in our Speeki Guardian™ projects that are unique and add value.

While the ultimate goal of the Speeki Guardian™ | Assurance for Sustainability Reports projects is to get that opinion letter, we have a more proactive and value-added approach which adds significant value.

Board and Top Management engagement and training.

Included in our pricing is a quarterly engagement with top management and a quarterly enagagement with the Board. Used for reporting, updates, training or a private Q&A session, these are invaluable.

Detailed reporting and improvement focused.

We believe that a 3-page opinion letter is not the outcome of the assurance project. We provide a detailed annual analysis and guidance for improvement.

Some common questions to help you understand pricing models at Speeki

Find answers to frequently asked questions about pricing for Speeki Guardian™ | Assurance for Sustainability Reports projects.

What is a round number to expect?

It depends, however, EFRAG and other guidance suggests about 30% of the fee that you currently pay for your financial assurance could be expected for your sustainability report assurance project.

Are there additional costs like travel and fees?

These additional travel fees will be added. Speeki charges flat rates for travel, so this can be built into your fixed fee. Of course, taxes, if applicable are added.

Can I get an estimated cost before committing?

Yes, we can offer a pricing consultation to discuss your specific requirements and provide an estimated cost based on your organisation's needs.

Is this set for one year or three years?

Our Speeki Guardian™ | Assurance for Sustainability Reports engagements are three years. We set the price for three years at the start of the project with a graduated cost over those three years to adjust for inflation etc. Our work is done quarterly and billed quarterly.

Do you offer different pricing for different business sizes?

Absolutely. Much depends on some of the factors above, but assume that the bigger the number of disclosures and the complexity of the company, the higher the pricing.