Speeki Guardian™ experts are what sets us apart from any other assurance provider.

Speeki believes that assurance must be led by globally recognised experts in ESG & sustainability.
While it seems obvious to us at Speeki, to provide assurance services of your sustainability statements and reports, every expert working on the project will need to be competent across a large swathe of (at least) the following areas below. In addition, every expert not only needs to be competent, they must prove that competence through independent testing and certification, regularly.
How the CSRD, ESRS, IFRS, TCFD, TNFD and other standards work
The expectations of regulators and stakeholders on sustainability reporting
How digital reporting and traditional reporting work and should be reviewed
Every single topic covered in the topic standards in GRI and CSRD across all ESG areas
Knowledge of waste, water, carbon and energy management systems
Experience in human rights, health & safety and workplace issues
Experience in anti-corruption programmes, whistleblowing, ethics and compliance
Expertise in corporate governance, purpose and systems managing risk
How to build programmes and a systems design approach to managing (every) topics
The common metrics and measurement of each topic area
How each topic area is managed inside large businesses
Understanding how large companies operate and their complexity in global programmes
How management and governance systems work in companies
How sustainability governance is managed in companies
How boards and committees work and provide oversight of ESG topics
How financial accounting works and accounting systems and audit
How to recognise links between financial and non-financial audits and assurance
How internal audits and internal control reviews work in sustainability testing
How company strategy includes sustainability strategy
How products and services are integrated with sustainability strategy
How culture and behaviours drive sustainable adoption
How risk works in companies and how risk management is overseen
How companies manage risks and opportunities in ESG
How materiality assessments are developed and established
How material topics are engaged
How stakeholders are identified, managed and engaged
How stakeholders are integrated into the sustainability system
Be a great communicator, a great trainer, and a great coach
Be a great auditor and reviewer
Be a quick learner and have the ability to apply risk-based sampling
Be a great writer.
Speeki believes that our experts must have all these skills and not simply a financial accounting audit background.
As you can see, our list of expectations of auditors for sustainability report assurance is quite large and every one of them is essential to have to be effective.
While some form of accounting skills might be relevant in a few areas, it is a small skillset in the grand scheme of skills needed to be an assurance expert.
At Speeki, this is our baseline, if you meet these basic skills, and can prove it, then you might be an auditor for Speeki Guardian™ projects.
Speeki Guardian™ experts must have (and maintain) through ongoing study, competency testing, client feedback, review, and assessments.
Prove to us that these skills exist through certifications and testing. Ticking a skills box is simply not enough.
Met our requirements on continuing education on every area above and how you will maintain that each year.
Open yourself to feedback mechanisms, oversight, shadowing, and continual improvement and expanding your skills.
Your assurance team is a reflection of your company.
Your assurance team needs to be leaders and add value to your team. They need to be an extension of your business and be a partner of it while still maintaining independence and impartiality.
Your assurance provider must reflect your values and be aligned.
Speeki believes that assurance on sustainability reporting is more than just a service provider that appears once per year. It is a joint and aligned commitment to improve sustainability reporting and meet or exceed stakeholder expectations.
Gain value from assurance, not just an opinion.
We are a results-oriented business that believes in unparalleled customer experience and adding value. This is built over time by providing exceptional levels of support, business acumen, and content expertise throughout the assurance projects.