Risk Areas: Board

First: Build and develop a great board

Act now

Typical challenges

Expanding roles and responsibilities are required for boards to navigate new ESG-related issues and they lack experience.

Boards may not be as diverse as expected and are not reflective of the business, its employees and its stakeholders

The board has not been flexible enough to stay on top of emerging issues and new risks, and to implement measures

The board is lacking appropriate metrics to assess the health and vibrancy of the organisation’s culture and its alignment with ESG strategy.

Oversight of ESG begins at the top

As the body with top-level responsibility for business strategy, the board of directors is also responsible for the organisation’s ESG strategy and leadership. While it will be focused primarily on the commercial needs of the business, the board cannot lose sight of its responsibilities vis-à-vis its employees, business partners, and society as a whole. Thus it needs to remain sensitive to the pressures of short-term issues whilst considering broader, long-term trends. It must also ensure that ESG issues are addressed coherently and consistently at the appropriate organisational level.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, boards of directors have recognised that they need to become comfortable operating in an environment of significant risk, as standing still was not an option. This has increased an organisation’s exposure to various societal and legal vulnerabilities.

In these circumstances, Speeki’s holistic approach can help organisations reduce operational risks through prompt responses to market feedback and implementing practices that help the organisation become more resilient.

Think like an activist and obtain raw stakeholder feedback to address vulnerabilities

Gather information from the market that challenges your status-quo views regarding your governing capabilities. Listen for subtle emerging risks and external perspectives that corroborate data from third parties to keep pace with evolving ESG issues.

Speeki’s Incident Management, Survey, and Social tools help your organisation filter through the “noise” of market messages and extract the crucial information you need.

Obtain actionable insights to make more informed and balanced decisions

Increasingly, the trends and challenges facing a board today revolve around transparency, proactive authentic disclosures, and human capital management.

Speeki’s AI-powered analysis tools help you assemble a picture, with over 90% accuracy, of the emerging topics that are predicted to impact your organisation.

Become more agile and proactive through Speeki’s recommended actions

Deploy policies, procedures, and programmes that help you pay attention to and address issues such as retaining talent, increased ESG accountability, and non-financial disclosures in a world of increasingly-intensifying ESG regulations.

How Speeki can help

Talk to an Expert


Design, implement, measure, and manage a management system around each key risk area.

We provide your company with integrated tools to capture ESG signals from your entire stakeholder set, to help you form a holistic view of your board’s oversight of ESG.


Address issues while they are still emerging.

Speeki’s core analytics platform and dashboards super-charge your investigations and monitoring abilities. Gain new insight into how your board is discharging its ESG obligations.


Leverage all your great work and derive value from your investment in ESG.

We turn the insights from analysis into operational plans that neutralise risks before they grow.

Share your concerns about the board’s ESG oversight with us and see how we can help.