Suppliers and members of the public have a voice as well

New legislation in Europe, and similar legislation expanding globally, requires companies to encourage suppliers and members of the community to report issues related to human rights or the environment. They need a simple and effective solution to report, and your company needs a simple and effective solution to receive, triage, and manage investigations.

Speeki has that solution. It works for any company, in any country, giving suppliers and members of the public a voice. It is the perfect addition to your existing internal whistleblowing system.

voice of public

A reporting system designed for suppliers and the public

The Speeki platform is ideal for use in the supply chain and the community. It can function as a standalone system specifically for this purpose or replace your existing internal whistleblowing system. It meets the requirements of all whistleblowing legislation and guidelines, including ISO 37002.

Great for small suppliers

Suppliers can simply download an app on their phone and report an issue to any company that uses Speeki. They can also call or use a web solution.

Gives a voice to the community

You don't need to be a supplier to use Speeki. Anyone can download the Speeki app and report an issue to any company that uses Speeki.

ESG reporting and feedback system

Any language means reporting is truly global

Speeki is available in every language right out of the box. No need to pay for or wait on translations.

Ongoing connections to reporters with messaging

You can engage with reporters after they submit an issue (even if they remain anonymous) through a simple messaging app, available in any language.

Best practice is a separate reporting solution for suppliers and the community

While it is possible to extend your internal whistleblowing system to cover reports from anywhere, anyone, and any device, most current systems can't handle this effectively. Best practice is to separate it and let Speeki provide the solution for community and supplier reporting.

Speeki is designed to be super easy to report

With our focus on easy reporting and the use of an AI-driven digital assistant, Speeki is incredibly simple for anyone to master in seconds. No training required.

Speeki was designed as internationally ready

We embedded technology into the app to assist international users, including those who are illiterate, by providing voice-to-text features in any language for easy use.

Incident management for ESG Programme

Once a report is received, the Speeki case management features kick in to help manage the case.

The incident management features of the Speeki platform allow you to manage the entire end-to-end triage and investigation of a report. The system can serve as your central hub for all incidents, reports, and investigations.

Very easy
The Speeki platform is simple to use. You can easily assign tasks, manage access, and classify issues.
Feature rich
With new features added with each release, the Speeki platform is continually enhanced, delivering more value and automation.

More than just software

At Speeki, our mantra is that it's more than just software. It's a 'system' that gives suppliers and the community a voice. Unlike pure software providers, we can help you build that system.

Be ready for triage and investigations

If you don't have procedures in place to handle reports, it's time to consider outsourcing. It's only a matter of time. Speeki can help.

Building trust is key

Engagement with suppliers and the community is essential. Respect, trust, openness, transparency, honesty, and ethics are crucial for building that ecosystem of trust. Speeki can help.

What suppliers want
ESG Expert

Scott Lane

Scott Lane has helped companies build comprehensive whistleblowing solutions both for their own use as well as dedicated to their supply chains. He has been a pioneer in leading the industry on programmes and has significant experience in both building programmes as well as conducting triage and investigations on allegations raised through the reports submitted.

Scott Lane

Why is a separate reporting system for suppliers and the community a good idea?

We believe that a separate system is a good idea. Here are our top reasons why.

Different audience

The audience for the reporting system, including suppliers and the community, is different from your in-house employees. Different marketing and communication channels, as well as different user needs, mean that separation is both easier and advisable. Encouraging the community and your supply chain to report issues requires a different approach than encouraging employees to report.

The issues raised are likely to be quite different

The issues raised by suppliers or the community are likely to differ from those reported by internal employees. Suppliers and the community are more likely to raise concerns about quality, safety, brand, payment disputes, or contractual issues, whereas employees tend to report HR or management-related issues.

'Universal' reporting system for suppliers

Speeki is a single app that allows reporters to submit issues to multiple companies. As long as a company uses Speeki (which can be easily identified on the app), suppliers don’t need to follow a company-specific system. The more companies that adopt Speeki, the more universal it will become, making it easier for suppliers and the community to report.

Clarity on meeting legal requirements

Regulatory demand is growing for companies to give a voice to suppliers and the wider community. Meeting these requirements is essential, and your system will be assessed based on its ability to comply. Keeping it simple and separate is the safest way to ensure compliance.

Triage and investigation simplicity

Due to the different issues being raised, investigation procedures will likely differ. There may be contractual issues to consider, as well as procedural fairness for suppliers. The public nature of these reports from non-employees also means they are more likely to become widely known.

It's free to report on Speeki

There is no charge to download or report issues using Speeki. The cost is borne by the company, never the reporter. This makes Speeki an ideal solution for a global user base that requires free access to reporting apps.

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Speeki is the solution for whistleblowing and reporting for suppliers and the community.

Want to know more? Sign up for one of our Speeki Academy live online courses or reach out to a salesperson for a chat or demonstration.
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