Speeki Social™

Capture those stakeholders that are talking about your ESG but not actively 'reporting' it

social listeningsocial listening

What is being reported is good to know, but it’s also important to know what is not being reported

Social media is filled with comments, feedback, observations, and issues related to every company. Staying aware of what is being said in social and traditional media is known as ‘social listening.’ As part of every whistleblowing programme, it is essential to include social listening to capture what is not being reported.

Learn more by reading some of our client stories.

Case Study

Listening for issues and trends in social media can highlight hidden issues around management, leadership, diversity, inclusion, and a host of other risk areas

With such an important source of information, social media monitoring cannot be ignored. However, social listening is more than just “keeping an eye on Twitter.” It requires skill in selecting key words to listen for and expertise in activating listening activities. It also involves the ability to sift through the “noise” and distill insights from what remains. Speeki Social™ focuses on providing you with information gathered from social and traditional media that can alert you to potential issues being discussed.


Intelligent key words and technology

Expertise to sift through the ‘noise’

Greater insight into what is ‘not being reported’

Situation or challenge

Our client realised that social media was flooded with comments about their company. While some comments related to service and quality issues, there were also threads discussing discriminatory practices, racism, and poor management. Our client needed to investigate these comments and determine what was happening within the underlying programmes.


Our solution was to propose Speeki Social™ as a listening solution across key risk areas of concern. Working with our partner, we implemented social listening for three months on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and traditional media. After monitoring, we sorted through the noise and provided them with summaries showing clear evidence of issues they needed to focus on. This service can be provided monthly or quarterly and offers significant insights for the client regarding their ESG issues.


The results were clear. There were issues concerning racism in hiring and operations that needed to be addressed. Whether these concerns were actual or perceived, the perception itself was significant. Our services helped them identify potential issues in advance, specifically related to ESG and compliance matters, and they rely on us as a solution that aids and supports their ESG monitoring.

* We take our clients' confidentiality seriously. While we've masked or changed their names, the results are real.

listen to your employee