Confirm the successful implementation of the UN Sustainability Development Goals with Speeki

ISO/UNDP PAS 53002:2024
UN SDG guidelines

Organisations around the world – are starting to tackle the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These newly released ISO guidelines will help you manage your entire SDG programme and build a framework around them to ensure they are successful.

Speeki helps companies certify against ISO 53002. We certify that your system meets the guidelines and that the system surrounding your implementation of the UN SDGs is effective.

Benefits of ISO 53002 certification

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all UN Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for an equitable future. At its heart are the 17 UN SDGs, which are an urgent call for action by all companies.

The ISO 53002 guidelines are intended to help shift an organisation from SDG alignment to SDG action: from thinking about the SDGs as a mere “add-on”, to placing SDGs at the core of business operations.

Better governance systems

Following these guidelines will better align business purpose, strategy and results with societal needs, and to shift expectations. It can help organisations to be more accountable for their impacts on people and the planet, while also strengthening business performance. It encourages organisations to explore different business models and new ways of working that accelerate innovation (e.g. by driving the development of new products, services and solutions that can lead to new customers and market opportunities) and allocate resources more effectively.

Strengthen your system

Implementing the recommendations in this document can enable organisations to anticipate risks and opportunities related to sustainable development earlier and manage them better. This document can also help organisations to communicate more effectively with governments, regulators, NGOs, partners, investors and other interested parties, including those impacted most by the organisation’s decisions and activities. It can also help organisations to meet the requirements and expectations of these aforementioned parties, in terms of the growing and various needs for disclosure, reporting and audit.

Improved engagement with stakeholders

The ISO 53002 guidelines require an extensive review of key stakeholders and your engagement with them. The stakeholders (also known as interested parties) are a key part of your UN SDG system.

Enhanced integration into the business

You will need to consider how to integrate your UN SDGs into the overarching business management system. You can also integrate the SDG activities into any topic-specific management systems that you already have (e.g. quality, environmental, risk, anti-bribery).

ISO 53002: Building a better and more sustainable company with Speeki Europe

Strengthen your organisation's approach to the UN SDGs with a certification from Speeki Europe. Our comprehensive services help you build a company that meets the ISO 53002 guidelines. Speeki's certification focuses on whether those guidelines are implemented, controlled and improved.

Benefits of partnering with Speeki Europe for an ISO 53002 certification

At Speeki Europe, we are dedicated to assisting organisations in elevating their UN SDG systems through a review of their programmes and an ISO 53002 certification. Our comprehensive approach and unyielding commitment to excellence empower your business to not only meet but exceed the guidelines in ISO 53002.

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Embrace ISO 53002 with the help of Speeki Europe

Speeki Europe, an accredited certification body, guides organisations in mastering social responsibility. We are committed to fortifying your sustainability systems and ensuring that the ISO 53002 guidelines are implemented and effective.

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Global expertise in ESG and Sustainability

Speeki Europe has been an expert in ESG and Sustainability for over ten years and is one of the pioneers in governance certifications. Many of our team members are legally qualified to validate compliance and the implementation of the principles of ISO 53002.

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Our auditors are experts in ESG and Sustainability areas

Our secret weapon is our auditors. They are practical, highly understanding of social risks and excellent communicators. They add significant value to clients on their certification journey. They are our main value proposition for clients selecting Speeki Europe as their certification partner.

Meet an ISO 53002 expert

Pauline Bailly

Pauline leads our assurance and certifications business, including all assurance solutions across Speeki. She has a detail-oriented and practical approach to helping companies prove the value of their ESG efforts to stakeholders through assurance.

Meet ISO 37001 Expert - Pauline Bailly

Gain a certificate for your UN SDG programme in four steps

Adoption of the UN SDGs is now a mandatory corporate action in light of the growing stakeholder and legal requirements in ESG and Sustainability. There is now a standard published by ISO that speeds up the process. Following these guidelines and receiving a certificate of assurance is possible in just four steps.

Secure ISO 53002 certification through a four-step process with Speeki

Take the definitive step towards compliance with the ISO 53002 guidelines with a certification through Speeki Europe.
ESG Assurance

Choose an ISO 53002 certification body

Selecting an experienced and accredited certification body is crucial. Speeki Europe boasts unrivalled expertise in ESG and Sustainability – a key tenet in ISO 53002. With over a decade of experience building ESG-based programmes, we have certified companies globally, reinforcing our status as leaders in the domain.

ESG Assurance

Grasp the ISO 53002 guidelines

The simplicity of ISO 53002 belies the importance of comprehending the guidelines and knowing how to put them into practice. Speeki Europe, while maintaining an impartial stance, is poised to offer training and practice audits to ensure you are well-acquainted with the ISO 53002 guidelines. We know the guidelines very well and know how to manage audits.

ESG Assurance

Implement ISO 53002

With insights into ISO 53002, it’s time for you to implement a UN SDG programme that aligns with the guidelines. If your organisation already has a UN SDG set of goals, augmenting it to meet ISO 53002 should be a smooth transition.

ESG Assurance

Validate your compliance with ISO 53002

With a programme in place, you can proceed to verification by Speeki to obtain your ISO 53002 certificate. Speeki will conduct an audit to validate your organisation's compliance with the guidelines. Certification is valid for three years, involving an extensive audit in the first year and follow-up audits in subsequent years to address any changes.

Get ISO 53002 certified

If you are successful in the audit, you will be issued a certificate that your programme meets the ISO 53002 guidelines. This certificate will demonstrate to your stakeholders that your organisation has adopted and implemented the guidelines. It is the ultimate way to prove the value of your efforts and be rewarded for all your hard work in building a social responsibility programme.

Building a better business that is making the world more sustainable is the aim of ISO 53002

ISO 53002 brings numerous benefits. It establishes and validates a UN SDG programme, and adds significant value to your business by holding you accountable to the high standards of the guidelines.

ISO 53002 FAQs

Here are some frequently asked questions about ISO 53002. Feel free to send us your questions if you cannot find answers here.
What is ISO 53002 certification?

ISO 53002 is a set of guidelines rather than a mandatory standard. The certification shows that a company has implemented a UN SDG programme according to those guidelines. It demonstrates a commitment to the UN SDGs and a sustainable future.

What does ISO 53002 encompass?

ISO 53002 outlines guidelines for establishing, implementing and maintaining a programme around the UN SDGs using the ISO Plan-Do-Check-Act system.

How much does ISO 53002 certification cost?

The cost of ISO 53002 certification varies depending on factors such as the size of the organisation, the complexity of operations and the certification body. We can get you a quote so you can start budgeting.

What can ISO 53002 be applied to to improve?

ISO 53002 is applied to support the UN SDGs. It helps establish a system for which a company manages its commitment to the UN SDGs. Following a recognised framework will improve the system and support a more integrated and measured system.

What is the meaning of the UN SDGs?

The SDGs comprise 17 integrated and indivisible goals grounded in human rights, set across five dimensions (people, prosperity, planet, partnership and peace) and backed by 169 targets. The SDGs recognise that action in one area will impact others, and that development must balance social, economic and environmental sustainability.

What are the main objectives of the guidelines?

The guidelines help identify, prioritise and manage a company's impacts on interested parties, embed sustainable development into its strategy, operations and decision-making, in all its activities, in a systematic and holistic way.

What is the difference between standards and guidelines, and can they both be certified?

Standards are of different types. The management system standards are easily certifiable. Other standards, like ISO 53002, are more akin to guidelines. These are certifiable, but in a different way to a management system standard.

How does ISO 53002 connect with other management system standards?

ISO 53002 has the same high-level structure as the management system standards and can be readily integrated.

Is ISO 53002 mandatory?

ISO 53002 is not mandatory but is highly recommended for organisations seeking to establish a robust UN SDG programme. It's a globally recognised set of guidelines that enhances reputation and builds trust.

Why follow ISO 53002?

A company should clearly, accurately and completely implement the UN SDGs and set clear goals. ISO 53002 is not a mandatory framework, but it does provide some simple structures as guidance and reminders on how to integrate these goals across a business.

How does ISO 53002 benefit companies?

ISO 53002 helps companies set a framework for managing the UN SDGs. Rather than 'making it up as you go along' and reading the UN websites, the framework helps provide the trusted guidance needed.

Can small businesses benefit from ISO 53002?

Absolutely! ISO 53002 is suitable for companies of any size. Small businesses can equally benefit from implementing and managing the UN SDGs.

Is ISO 53002 recognised globally?

Yes, ISO 53002 is a global set of guidelines and is recognised and respected worldwide.

How do I select a certification body for ISO 53002?

Technically, any company could certify you as there is no specific accreditation system. However, choose an accredited certification body with experience in other ISO standards and experience in ESG and Sustainability. Evaluate their credentials, expertise and client testimonials. Speeki Europe is a reputable certification body with vast experience.

How is ISO 53002 certification maintained?

ISO 53002 certification is maintained through continual improvement, regular internal audits and periodic surveillance audits by the certification body to ensure ongoing compliance.

How long does it take to become ISO 53002 certified?

The timeframe for ISO 53002 certification varies depending on the size and complexity of the company, but it typically takes several weeks from the initial steps to the final certification.

What are the legal implications of not having a system around the UN SDGs?

Without a system, companies could be more vulnerable to claims of misrepresentation or falsification of records around goals and achievement of goals.

Who needs to be involved in the implementation of ISO 53002?

Implementing ISO 53002 involves top management, compliance officers, legal, HR, finance, procurement and all employees to ensure a comprehensive approach to the UN SDGs.

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Start your ISO 53002 journey with Speeki Europe

Partner with Speeki Europe and let our expertise streamline your path to ISO 53002 assurance. Establish a formidable social responsibility system and unlock the myriad benefits that ISO 53002 certification brings.
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