ESG Software
Speeki | Sustainability Management system
Speeki is more than just software: it includes guidance, advice and a step-by-step guide to building ESG and sustainability.
Speeki App
The Speeki App is the best way to connect with employees and suppliers about ESG and sustainability. Push out policies, training, surveys, questionnaires and more.
Artificial intelligence in Speeki
At Speeki, our AI-powered assistant Nicole is integrated into our platform to provide users with enhanced support and insights throughout their ESG journey.
Hundreds of embedded Speeki Quick Note videos to add value
Pre-packaged with questionnaires and templates
features – sustainability Reporting
GRI Reporting
CSRD Reporting
IFRS S1 and S2 Reporting
TCFD Reporting
Stakeholder Reporting
Reporting - Overview and Value
Features - ESG & Sustainbility governance
Material Topic Governance
Task Management
Stakeholder Engagement
Declaration tools
Tracking Investigations
E-learning courses on ESG & sustainability
Grievance reporting
Content for key topics
Triage of incidents and accidents
AI-Powered ESG Questionnaire Answering
features - sustainability metrics and carbon management
Collecting and managing data for ESG & Sustainability
Carbon Accounting
Metrics Management
features - sustainability Due diligence
Supplier risk assessments
AI driven supplier contracting
Scoring of suppliers
Supplier background checks and due diligence
Executive and contractor scoring and testing
Supplier scoring and ratings for suppliers
CSDDD due diligence
Assurance for sustainability reporting
Speeki Guardian™ | Assurance for Sustainability Reports
- Overview
Speeki Guardian™ | Assurance for Sustainability Reports is your right solution?
Speeki Guardian™ | Assurance for Suatainbility Reports Pre-Assurance Services
Speeki Guardian™ | Assurance for Sustainability Reports
-Guiding Principles
Speeki Guardian™ | Assurance for Sustainability Reports
- Auditors
Speeki Guardian™ | Assurance for Sustainability Reports
- Pricing
Speeki Guardian™ | Assurance for Sustainability Reports
- Coverage
Speeki Guardian™ | Assurance for Sustainability Reports
- Technology
Speeki Guardian™ | Assurance for Sustainability Reports
- Auditor Profiles
assurance for ISO standards
ISO Certifications Overview
Why choose Speeki for your ISO certification project?
Speeki's Europe ISO Accreditations
Delivering global solutions
Leading experts lead our audits
Leveraging technology
ISO 26000 Social Responsiblity
ISO 31000 Risk Management
ISO 37000 Governance
ISO 37001 Anti-bribery
ISO 37002 Whistleblowing
ISO 37003 Fraud Control
ISO 37008 Investigation
ISO 37301 Compliance
ISO/UNDP PAS 53002:2024
UN SDG guidelines
Assurance for Value CHAIN
Supplier ESG & Sustainability Audits
latest esg article
Navigating Complexity: Top 10 Corporate Governance Principles for Multinational Corporations
Discover the top 10 corporate governance principles for multinational corporations to enhance ethical conduct, decision-making, and value creation. Achieve sustainable success with strong leadership and transparent communication.
ESG Resources
Expert insights
Press room
Whitepapers and brochures
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Speeki Support Portal
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Speeki Getting Started
Speeki Mobile App
Speeki Web Portal
Speeki Platform
Frequently asked questions
Release notes
Security alerts
Maintenance Notice
Speeki Platform
Employer managers use Speeki platform to manage ESG responses, incoming reports and interact anonymously with users.
How to set up subsidiary sites with users and permissions
ESRS reporting
How to view cases in each subsidiary site
Roles & Permissions
How to delete incident data automatically
Incident Report Trend
What is ESG Profile?
Generate answers with Nicole® for ESG questions
Smart tagging
How to add policy to my Speeki Portal?
How to manage form submissions and data analytics
How to publish a form and manage form accessibility
How do you create a form?
How do you access and use the Survey dashboard?
How do you start a new survey and create a new questionnaire?
How do you schedule a survey?
Login to Speeki Platform
How can I see a report's timeline or activities?
Add a new incident report
Incident Manager Dashboard and Report Trend
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