Whistleblowing at Speeki
Hear All Voices: Speeki uses its own software to support speaking up
Speeki uses its own platform as part of our internal ESG efforts. A significant aspect of this is to support anyone 'speaking up' and informing us about the good and the bad at Speeki. We encourage everyone to speak up at any time. We listen, we act, and we focus on improvement.
We call our whistleblowing programme 'Hear All Voices,' and it's an essential part of our Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) initiatives at Speeki. It is one of the risk areas within the Speeki ESG model that deserves its own place on our website and is an integral part of our Code of Conduct.
Below you will find all that you need to know about speaking up at Speeki and our 'Hear All Voices' whistleblower initiatives. If you are a future client of Speeki and want to see how we implement 'best practice', feel free to look below to see how we operate at Speeki.
Hear All Voices is built on our three-stage methodology
First, we provide you with the tools to speak up and report issues using the Speeki Platform. The information we receive from these signals is taken seriously, and we act on your reports while keeping you updated along the way. We also combine this information with other data to determine the root cause of any issues and then focus on implementing actions to prevent them in the future.

Reporting issues about Speeki to Speeki is good for you, good for us and good for everyone.
We believe that our Hear All Voices whistleblowing programme helps to unlock the potential of value creation and growth at Speeki. It helps our employees, partners, customers, and investors – not just existing stakeholders but any future ones as well. This is because we not only focus on the issue that is being reported but also look more deeply into the issue, studying it with other data to draw root cause conclusions (we call these 'Insights') and then go about applying actions to address it once and for all. Reporting up is good for everyone.

Good for our employees
The more we learn about issues in the workplace and our employees’ views on how we are doing, the better we can reduce exposure to potential losses and build a workplace that embodies our values, including the ESG values of human rights and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion that are so important to us. Addressing issues and constantly making improvements is not only for our current employees but also for every future employee. Like our planet, our workplace is a constantly evolving environment that we need to protect and improve at every opportunity.
Good for our partners
Speeki operates through an ecosystem of selected partners. These companies provide essential support to Speeki, expertise in certain risk areas, and coverage in specific countries. We are focused on protecting those relationships and allowing our partners to share their views on how we are doing through their Hear All Voices initiatives. We are committed to acting on feedback, reports, survey results, assessments, and observations made by our partners.

Good for our customers
If we build a better business, our customers will benefit from a better product and an improved overall experience. Companies that effectively address their ethical and environmental concerns and clearly communicate their ESG policies can enrich the customer experience and build stronger brand loyalty. Reporting issues through our Hear All Voices initiatives helps our customers.
Good for our investors
Our investors have entrusted us with their money as part of a special relationship. They trust that we will use it to grow their investment and provide them with a return. We build this trust based on a set of values, approaches, and our strategy, and as a result, we must live up to our promises. Our promise is to build a robust ESG risk programme, reduce risks for all investors, strengthen partnerships, and minimise the danger of a decrease in shareholder value.

Good for the planet
If we do our part right, and everyone else does the same, the overall collective benefit to the planet must be positive. Companies that fail to play their part in solving this problem – by reducing carbon emissions, improving their workplace and the lives of employees, building sustainable products, and running a compliant business – will face increasing restrictions and may lose their social licence to operate. "Hear All Voices" is an integral part of the solution.
Hearing All Voices helps us live Speeki’s values
We firmly believe that companies with strong ESG values – those that truly practice transparency, honest reporting, integrity, diversity and inclusiveness, and environmental responsibility – not only deliver sustained value but also contribute to building a better world. At Speeki, every company or person in our ecosystem is committing to certain obligations. One of those is speaking up and "Hearing All Voices." It is your duty.

So, how does it work and how do you make a report?
The Hear All Voices programme includes many ways to connect with us. It is really up to you and how you feel.
There are lots of ways to report to Speeki. Use the Speeki App, downloadable from the app store, or you can use any of the ways identified below. It really doesn't matter how you report; it all ends up in the Speeki Platform. Whatever works for you.
The Speeki Platform used by Speeki is located in Europe. Depending on where you are and how you report, your data and the contents of your message will likely cross a few countries before it lands at Speeki. If you are going to report highly sensitive personal information, we recommend you reach out to us first so we can work out the best way to get us that sensitive information.
The most important thing to remember is that, at every single stage of the process and no matter how you want to report, we truly do Hear All Voices. Every report is always confidential, always protects your private information, always shields you from retaliatory conduct, and we always act on what you tell us.
Once an incident report or alert is submitted our investigator – an independent, non-executive director at Speeki – will analyse the details to validate the complaint or alert, then begin the investigation process. The process includes a review of case details and a potential interview with the reporter, if appropriate. Throughout the process, the investigator will use Speeki's Case Management system. When the investigation is concluded, the reporter is informed of the decision taken by the investigator and the actions planned to remediate concerns. If no action is deemed appropriate or necessary, the reporter is still informed.
Who looks at my reports made through the
Hear All Voices programme?

David Youngson
Because we are a small company, we have elected to have an independent director receive any reports and serve as our primary gatekeeper for reports made under the Hear All Voices programme. David is a finance, governance, and compliance expert with a strong understanding of ESG risk areas. Think of David as our ombudsman and a true supporter of your concerns.
Speeki App
Download from the Google Play StoreThe best way to connect with the Hear All Voices programme is through the App.
Use the QR Code below to connect directly or download from the Google Play store and use the code Speeki Pte Ltd.
Speeki App
Download from the Apple App StoreThe best way to connect with the Hear All Voices programme is through the App.
Use the QR Code below to connect directly or download from the Apple App store and use the code Speeki Pte Ltd.Speeki App
Can't access a store?In some countries, you may not be able to access the Speeki App.
Download the APK file and use the code Speeki Pte Ltd when it loads on your phone.
Ask us on our support page for the link to the APK files.
Any browser
If you prefer not to use the App, then use our website instead
If you prefer to not download apps to your mobile device, then use our web site instead. It's exactly the same functionality and runs on any browser (even on your phone)
Click on the following page Speeki Webportal and use code Speeki Pte Ltd.Whatsapp &
WeChatConnect with David on his AccountConnect with David Youngson through a direct message. Keep in mind that your message may cross boundaries before getting to David. You may also not be anonymous.
+852 9012 6963Text Message
Connect with David through a text messageConnect with David Youngson through a text message. Keep in mind that your message may not be encrypted andyour data will cross boundaries as directed by the carrier network. You may also not be anonymous.
+852 9012 6963Email
Email David directOld school, but it works. Email David Youngson direct and he will respond to you. The data will not be graranteed to be encrypted and will cross boundaries.
david.youngson(at)ifmventures.comMS Teams
Connect easilySpeeki employees who have access to Office 365 app will be able to chat with our AI ESG and Sustainability Expert, Nicole® within MS Teams.
Connect with Speeki through a direct message on LinkedInConnect with Scott Lane through a direct message on LinkedIn. Keep in mind that your message may not be encrypted, your data will cross boundaries, and may be seen by LinkedIn. Your message will go directly to our CEO in this case.
www.linkedin.com/in/scott-laneEurope Phone
+ 33 1 8647 7980Using the old phone system will connect you to our VOIP system for a chat to Nicole®, our digital AI ESG officer. If Nicole® doesn't speak your language, you can leave a message. To remain anonymous, your voice will be digitised before it is sent to the Speeki Platform, and, since our telephone provider is in the USA, your message may cross boundaries before getting to Speeki.
Call Nicole®: +33 1 8647 7980
USA Phone
+ 1 718 305 1238If you are in the USA or the Americas, and prefer to use the old phone system, connect to our VOIP system and have a chat to Nicole®, our digital AI ESG officer. To remain anonymous, your voice will be digitised before it is sent to the Speeki Platform, and because our Speeki Platform is hosted in Europe, your message will cross a few countries before making it to Speeki.
Call Nicole®: +1 718 305 1238APAC Phone
+ 65 3129 8529For people in Asia using the old phone system will connect you to our VOIP system for a chat to Nicole®, our digital AI ESG officer. If Nicole® doesn't speak your language, you can leave a message. To remain anonymous, your voice will be digitised before it is sent to the Speeki Platform located in Europe.
Call Nicole®: +65 3129 8529Mail
Send a letterYou are welcome to send a letter to our office in Singapore. Please mark it to the attention of David Youngson and it will be opened only by David.
Our address is located on the Contact Us page on our website.Call
Pick up the phoneIf you are happy to have a chat to David Youngson about your feedback or concerns, pick up the phone and give him a call.
+852 9012 6963