Just like you have an accounting system to manage your financials, you need a system to manage your non-financials.
Speeki is that system.
Speeki is the solution to manage all your ESG and sustainability topics and drive the performance of each of these areas as an essential value driver for your business.
You will be judged on the performance of your financials and your non-financials going forward in a new ESG and sustainable business world.
You need to actively manage your ESG topics. Drive performance, drive metrics, and report out accordingly.
There are lots of solutions in the market that attempt to manage some element of ESG and sustainability. Most are simple SaaS type solutions that focus on one area of ESG and sustainability (normally carbon counting). These solutions help you simply record metrics and then allow you to report them out into a special format. If only it was that easy.
Speeki is different.
Speeki comes loaded with twenty disciplines from governance, whistleblowing, through to waste management, carbon, and energy innovation. You get to choose and build your own disciplines into the Speeki platform that are important or material to you.
Speeki is designed for you to design, build, and manage each of these disciplines inside the Speeki platform. Once inside the Speeki platform, you can produce reports in any way, and in any format. Speeki has already added reporting according to the CSRD, IFRS S1 and S2, GRI, and TCFD.
Use Speeki to manage your entire ESG and sustainability system.
Speeki is more than an ESG software or an ESG reporting system. Speeki manages your entire ESG and sustainability initiatives covering more than 20 topics.
Non-financial performance will be a competitive advantage.
ESG and sustainability is just one of the use cases for Speeki.
Speeki is designed just like your accounting system. All your non-financial performance information is managed by Speeki. Reporting is just 'pressing a button'.

We have a system. You don't have to study it or even (fully) understand it, just follow the instructions. We got you.
Whether you are building a programme to manage carbon, energy, waste, human rights, anti-corruption, or whistleblowing, it is the same process.
We call it Speeki Engage and it forms the cornerstone of our Speeki platform. Its goal is to help and guide you through building proper programmes to maximise your investment in your non-financial topics, drive performance and help achieve ESG & sustainability goals.
The many topics covered within ESG and sustainability can be overwhelming.
Our job is to make that a lot easier by leveraging our experience and generative AI.
Over 20+ ESG topics covered in one platform makes reporting very simple.
You might be strong in some ESG areas and weak in others. How would you realistically know that unless you have a consolidated view according to a consistent approach of measurement?
Frankly, it's impossible. You would need to somehow try and reconcile 15 different departments managing 15 different issues according to 15 different tools according to 15 different approaches and then try and get a consolidated view of where you sit on key ESG topics.
The image below is constantly updated in Speeki. Each department can still work on their 'topic' and each group can still build their programmes, but they follow a consistent structure.
Imagine doing this on Tableau?

We have been doing this for 20+ years.
Speeki was a spin off in 2020 from a compliance and governance firm that built technology and systems to manage compliance across a range of topics to a large group within the Fortune 500.
It will save you time and money and bring data together.
It isn't about getting the data in the right place (like a data lake), it is about building the performance of your topics to establish and improve data. Where it sits is secondary.
We know our system works as it highly leverages well known standards.
Leverage our structure, our framework and our approach to supercharge your ESG and sustainability. Frankly, our approach aligns with the reporting standards and ISO management system standards.
Seeing data in one place shines a light on those areas that need attention.
It seems easy, but hard in practice unless you have a comprehensive system like Speeki. The ability to see across all your non-financial areas in seconds is the key.
Need convincing?
Check out the Speeki Academy where we have developed courses and schools for you to see our experience and learn how to manage ESG and sustainability.
Worked out all the ESG reporting issues in every country with all new laws?
Do you need help tracking the new reporting laws covering ESG? We have the tools to help you see where things are changing.
Need help to spread the word and gain buy-in?
Engage us to speak to your Board, your audit committee, management or even your entire team. We run workshops, sessions, and provide training on key topics. Check out our Speeki Academy to learn more.

ESG insights
Explore our expert articles on implementing ESG programmes
Speeki is building the next big thing in technology for companies. ERM -> CRM - > Speeki. Are you ready?
New ESG reporting is already complex and will only get worse. Learn how to get ahead.
The new ESG reporting requirements are already significant, with over 80 countries imposing requirements by almost 2000 different regulatory bodies. From staffing numbers to human rights due diligence on suppliers.
Are you aware of all the detailed due diligence requirements on suppliers in Europe?
Supplier due diligence by most companies is a bunch of questions and a sanctions check. It is almost guaranteed that these steps are insufficient. Engage with Speeki to build a compliant solution around supplier due diligence.
Do you really have a consistent way of managing risk in ESG across the business?
Most companies' management of ESG is broken up across the enterprise. Different people, different frameworks, different systems, different reporting, leading to a consolidated mess. Engage with Speeki to streamline.
Scott Lane
Scott Lane has worked as a leader in global companies across legal, compliance and governance for most of his career. He has helped over 500 global companies develop parts of their ESG programmes, including in governance, board, risk, supply chain, sales channels, anti-corruption, workplace issues, and overall ESG. Scott is a strong strategic thinker and communicator that helps to align large companies into a common goal.

Why partner with Speeki as your provider of ESG software and services?
We know internal resources can be tough to get approved and even harder to recruit. Speeki can provide additional resources to support your in-house teams on projects in ESG risk areas. Our team can help with project management, training initiatives, reviews, audits, and reporting.
As a smaller firm that is not a legal, accounting, or audit firm, we have far fewer independence issues that might prevent us from acting for a client on a project. Our conflict management is easier, faster, and almost never creates an issue where we cannot support a client.
Time and time again, we hear about overengineering and the cost overruns that happen as a result. Our consulting and service teams do not have targets, nor budgets, and are only compensated based on customer satisfaction. Our pricing is open, fair, and transparent.
We are content experts on the projects we engage in with customers. We do not have an army of graduates learning on the job. We only use experienced partner-level people on projects who may be more expensive but always manage to get things done in a quarter of the time.
Speeki is a technology-based firm with a strong backbone in technology development in compliance, governance, and ESG. We focus on how to make things simpler, increase automation, and reduce the risk of failure from process gaps. We are always looking for a way to make things simpler with technology.
Our company values at Speeki include customer focus, integrity, and a strong sense of providing value. We are flexible, engaging, responsive, and always focused on customer success. This is embedded in our DNA across the business.

Speeki is your ESG software solution.