Typical challenges
The pressing need to move away from highly polluting coal and petroleum products, which have been the world’s main energy sources for the past two centuries.
Uncertainty about future policies and regulations governing energy transition, such as emission caps, carbon taxes, or government subsidies for transition costs.
The difficulty of deciding on the best time to make the transition to minimise the costs of investing in new energy technology and writing off old energy infrastructure.
The risk of investing too early in an energy technology that becomes much cheaper later, allowing competitors to access it at a lower cost.
Energy transition is a must, but its destination is still evolving
Efforts to improve energy management began years ago following greater awareness of greenhouse gases and their effects. Recent government incentives and increased attention in global news media have bolstered these initiatives. Traditional oil and gas companies and investors in the hydrocarbons sector, along with renewable energy companies, are exploring opportunities in the energy transition movement, seeking to optimise energy use and adopt better energy management practices. The International Energy Agency’s Net Zero by 2050 report highlights that achieving net-zero emissions requires a combination of efficient energy management and advancements in renewable energy technologies.

Align your suppliers’ energy policies with your own
Use Speeki Signals tools to manage and monitor interactions with your suppliers to determine whether they are mirroring your own efforts to move towards clean energy. Require them to declare their commitment to renewable energy via Speeki Declare and Disclose in order to retain your business. Use Speeki social listening to reveal whether they are “walking the walk” on energy issues.
Enhance energy management with Speeki Programme
Creating an effective energy policy is the foundation of sustainable operations. With Speeki's programme tools, you can document your energy policies, set governing strategies, and define targets and objectives to drive continuous improvement. Speeki Programme provides a centralised solution for managing your energy management framework, ensuring all policies and objectives are well-documented and easily accessible.

Unlock strategic insights with Speeki Metrics
Speeki Metrics enables you to take a data-driven approach to energy management by tracking and visualising your energy use over time. Add usage data, set targets, and monitor progress to ensure alignment with your efficiency and sustainability goals. Compare current performance against your objectives and identify areas for improvement, whether it's reducing consumption, optimising energy efficiency, or transitioning to cleaner energy sources. Additionally, you can collaborate with external energy experts to manage your data and drive better outcomes. Speeki Metrics empowers you to make informed decisions and demonstrate accountability in your energy management journey.
How Speeki can help
Design, implement, measure, and manage a management system around each key risk area.
We provide your company with integrated tools to capture ESG signals from your entire stakeholder set, to help you form a holistic view of your organisation’s energy management processes.
Address issues while they are still emerging.
Speeki consultants, working alongside your environmental experts and the data available from your Speeki Platform, super-charge your knowledge around energy usage. Gain new insight into the impact of your energy transition on your employees, customers and suppliers.
Leverage all your great work and derive value from your investment in ESG.
We turn the insights from the analysis into operational plans that neutralise risks before they grow. Speeki has a set of tools to help implement systems around energy usage. Working alongside your environmental partners, we add value through focused actions to collect signals and manage risk and build opportunities.