Conflicts of interest in companies are destructive and destroy trust.
Strengthen your business’s integrity, boost stakeholder confidence, and ensure global conformity with the ISO 37009 guidelines by obtaining a certification of your conformance with the guidelines.

Benefits of ISO 37009 Certification
There are several reasons why we believe the ISO 37009 is the best way to ensure your conflicts system is conforming to the ISO 37009 guidelines.
Reduced risk of bribery and corrupt practices
An effective conflicts management system will reduce the risk of bribery and corruption. Indeed, the management of conflicts is now integrated into the 2025 version of the ISO 37001 anti-bribery management system standard.
Increased transparency and accountability
ISO 37009 mandates transparent policies, training, and demonstrating commitment to maintaining a system free from actual or potential conflicts of interest.
Prepare for the rainy day when issues arise
A strong conflicts management system for your executives and employees helps you build resilience when things go wrong. Relying on the proactive measures you took in managing conflicts will help you manage any settlement of actions with regulators on associated litigation.
It is basic principles of business
A robust conflicts management system elevates your organisation's status and reputation as responsible and ethical. Gaining the brand presence of a certification will enhance further that brand.
Customers, Partners, Suppliers, Investors, and Rating Agencies love seeing your certifications.
For minimal cost, you can add another certification to your arsenal of certifications that adds value to your competitive offering. Building up your ISO expertise in the governance area makes sense because the standards and guidelines are all interlinked.
Benefits of taking conflicts of interest management seriously.
Having seen thousands of investigations across 20+ years of managing risk and compliance, the Speeki team knows precisely the risks that conflicts of interest can bring to a company. The risk of executives being placed into conflict situations can easily be avoided with a strong programme.

We know how to identify gaps in governance.
Conflicts of interest could happen anytime and anywhere. In many cases, they are acceptable if disclosed correctly. We know where to look.

We understand large companies.
We know where to find gaps in programmes and where we are likely to see issues with executives with side deals and conflicts.

All our team are experts in governance.
We have had many years' experience in this area.
Meet ISO 37009 Expert
Scott Lane is a corporate governance expert and a recognised leader in boards, management, fiduciary duties, conflicts, ethics, integrity and risk management. He is a certified company director (NACD.DC) and has completed corporate governance programmes at Harvard Business School, NACD, and the Institute of Company Directors in Australia.

Validate your Conflicts of Interest Programme with ISO 37009 Guidelines in four steps.
Obtain an ISO 37009 Conflicts of Interest assurance with Speeki
Choose an ISO 37009 certification body
The selection of an experienced certification body is crucial. Speeki boasts unrivalled expertise in ISO 37009 Guidelines. With over twenty years of experience in building compliance (including conflicts programmes) we have the expertise as leaders in this domain.
Grasp and implement the ISO 37009 guidelines
The simplicity of ISO 37009 Guidelines belies the importance of comprehending its requirements. Implement your conflicts of interest programme and get ready for your review.
Schedule your review with Speeki
With insights into ISO 37009, it’s time for you to implement your Conflicts of Interest Management System that aligns with the guidelines. This system will incorporate policies, procedures, and controls designed to prevent, detect, and counteract conflicts of interest in business. If your organisation already possesses elements of a programme, augmenting it to meet ISO 37009 should be a smooth transition.
Attain your ISO 37009 certificate if successful in your review.
With a system in place, you're ready to pursue ISO 37009 certification. Speeki Europe will conduct an audit to validate your organisation's compliance with the standard. Assuming you pass the audit, certification is valid for three years, involving an extensive audit in the first year and follow-up audits in subsequent years to address any changes.
If you are successful in the audit, you will be issued a certificate of conformity to ISO 37009
This certificate will demonstrate to your stakeholders that your organisation is committed to preventing conflicts of interest. It is the ultimate way to prove the value of your compliance efforts and be rewarded for all your hard work in building the programme. Keep in mind, however, that a certification is never guaranteed. You need to meet and keep those requirements.
Business Advantages for getting ISO 37009 certified
ISO 37009 certification brings numerous benefits. It establishes a conflicts management system, mitigates risks, and ensures compliance. Achieving accreditation from a recognised certification body, such as Speeki Europe, boosts your reputation as an ethically responsible organisation. Gain a competitive edge, enhance transparency, and build stakeholder trust through ISO 37009 certification.

ISO 37009 insights
Explore our ISO 37009 articles for preparing a management system

Start your ISO 37009 journey with Speeki Europe