Unsure about one of the topics across ESG? Let us help you build your programme with our content expertise.

There are lots of topics included in Speeki and many might be new to you. We can help you build out your programme. We can help across over 20+ areas across ESG and sustainability.

Anti-bribery solutions

Speeki can help you develop your content in two ways...

The first half of the process involves building programmes, and the second half involves making sure they connect into your ESG reporting and disclosure requirements.

You might need our help on a risk assessment, building policies and procedures, goal setting, buy-in, support or conducting internal audits or gap a gap analysis.

We are helping you with the content for the completion of your profiles within the Speeki platform.

Design, Build and Manage Content

Speeki can help with the 'first half' of your programme, building the content of a programme that meets both the Engage® framework requirements and gets the system up and running so you have the data developed (or developing) that you need for reporting.

Connect to reporting

Once the data is working, we will make sure that it is what you need for your ESG reporting.

Building amazing eLearning courses

We have built custom and ready-made eLearning courses in multiple languages, ready for clients to use on key ESG and sustainability topics.

Developing technology solutions for key tasks

We have built core tools into our Speeki platform. Building technology is one of our core skillsets.

Revisiting policies, procedures and other core documents

We love taking complex legal documents and redrafting them into one-page infographics.

Due Diligence

Our experts have designed and built more third-party due diligence programmes than likely anyone else in the market.

We know our content.  Let us help you and supercharge your programmes.

At Speeki, we built our platform to be intuitive and build in lots of AI help from our Chief ESG & Sustainability Officer, Nicole. Despite that, many clients need some help and for us to work on developing the content for their programmes.  Let us help you.

Policies and procedures
While our content work ranges, it is often associated with building the basics. Some policies, procedures, guidelines, rules, tools and key documents on some of the important or material areas in your Speeki platform.
Training and communications
It is an essential part of any programme covered by Speeki. Whether it is executive level workshops or all employee elearning courses. Let us help you develop great content.

Need help with metrics?

Setting ESG metrics is hard. If you need help with science based targets and guidance, let us know.

Need help with a dashboard?

We can help define metrics and how to develop and measure them on a key ESG topic. Use the Speeki platform to visualise your system as much as possible or let us help you build an offline system.

Need help with a training system?

You need to change behaviors, drive a culture. It all starts with awareness.

Bribery and corruption dashboard
ESG Expert

Scott Lane

Scott Lane has been involved in developing, reviewing and improving ESG programmes for over 25 years. He has consulted to the largest companies in the world and developed programmes across the globe. Scott is a respected thought leader and has spoken at over 50 global events and published 100s of articles and stories on various elements of corporate programmes.

Scott Lane

Why choose Speeki to help you with your content?

Speeki has some of the most experienced and practical professionals in the industry today, with deep experience in emerging markets. We have worked in over 100 countries on projects and have trained tens of thousands of people. This is our space.

Practical not theoretical

We pride ourselves on risk-based advice. We strongly discourage the 'doomsday' advice some counsel provide, but rather encourage you to be realistic and risk-based. There is clearly a time for conservatism in compliance, but it is uncommon. Business expects a programme to make sense and help the business, not hinder it.


Our skillset is at the expert level and we plan to keep it there. We are continually working on skilling and training our team to be the best of the best in the industry. We have a brand that clients trust for our practical expertise.

Fair price and flexible

We are significantly less expensive than outside counsel and the global accounting firms. Most of our projects are fixed price, and we rarely engage junior staff on key projects. We tend to use higher-level staff, who are more expensive but who manage to complete tasks in half the time.

International ready experts

Our key experts have worked across the globe in programmes and investigations, with detailed experience in key hotspots like the USA, China, South Asia, Brazil, Russia, the Middle East, and Africa. We have the depth of experience required to help with global initiatives.

Consulting, auditing, and coaching

Our focus is to help clients in many ways. We can coach new in-house teams, provide heavy-lifting programme development, or only get involved in auditing and monitoring activities.

Standards based programmes

Some practitioners in this space follow guidance from the USA DOJ from twenty years ago and continue to build super-custom programmes at every opportunity to maximise their revenue. We believe in standards and using trusted and proven standards.