Speeki includes a corporate whistleblowing system supporting reporting from anywhere on any device.
When an incident is logged or misconduct is reported, Speeki's integrated incident management system supports triage and investigation.
powerful features
embedded AI tools
with the reporter
Speeki includes a powerful case management and incident tracking system to manage your company-wide whistleblowing system.
Whether the issue is raised directly to management or through one of the reporting tools (e.g. the Speeki mobile app, MS 365 Teams, desktop, email, phone), any concerns received are logged inside Speeki.
Speeki meets all legal requirements for a whistleblowing system and offers flexibility for country or regional partitions as required by local laws.
Speeki supports reports in any language and allows reporters to remain anonymous if desired.
Speeki allows the reporter to input information from any device using the Speeki App or by calling a telephone number. Once received, the case management and tracking solution enables managers to categorise the issue, add additional information, store notes, and engage with the reporter through chat functions in any language, even if the reporter is anonymous.
Flexible management of multiple regional permissions and access rights for admins
Compliance with all European whistleblowing legislation requirements
The Speeki platform's case management system is designed to meet all the requirements of local laws including GDPR and European directives on whistleblowing.
Dialogue with the reporter in any language, regardless of the issue
Compliance with supply chain reporting laws and modern-day slavery requirements
The case management system is designed for use by anyone, including employees, partners, suppliers, and community members. It complies with supply chain reporting laws and addresses modern-day slavery risks, crucial for your ESG programme.
Ensuring anonymity, privacy, and confidentiality
Support for all essential elements of a whistleblowing system with advanced technology
The case management features of the Speeki Platform were designed specifically using advanced technology to leverage the ease of ensuring anonymity, confidentiality, privacy and engagement with reporters who might use the system.
Hosted in secure data centres across multiple regions
Your data is encrypted both in transit and on our servers
Much of the case management system is configurable
The case management tools comply with all relevant laws and best practices for whistleblowing and investigations
Engage with reporters and conduct investigations in any language at no extra cost
Our team is available to assist with the platform and help you maximise your case management capabilities
If someone wants to raise an issue with your company, Speeki's advanced AI capabilities assist with the process.
Guide any reporter with customised pages giving support and direction
To encourage people to report issues, make the process extremely easy, efficient, and secure. Offering flexibility to customise messages and tailor the reporting experience is crucial for building trust and encouraging adoption. Speeki allows customisation of messages to help identify how and when the reporting system should be used.
Making it easy to collect evidence and information from your reporters
If someone is reporting a safety issue or raising concerns about illegal dealings, corrupt activity, or fraud, gathering evidence is an essential part of the reporting process and investigations.
Speeki simplifies this by allowing reporters to upload videos, texts, documents, or images as part of their submission. They can also engage in dialogue with our embedded AI ESG officer, who helps guide them in providing information crucial to any investigation.

Follow up with a reporter who wants to remain anonymous using simple tools like messenger
The Speeki platform's case management system includes valuable tools to assist any member of the investigations team in engaging with a reporter, even if the reporter remains anonymous. They can also communicate in their own language, thanks to automatic translations embedded in the case management features.
Identifying trends and insights from Speeki

Leveraging the case management system within Speeki makes your investigations easier by focusing on key data
Over time, as a culture of speaking up and reporting issues develops among your stakeholders, you will build a core set of data that can help identify new or evolving risk areas. The case management system allows you to categorise and view potential ESG issues and trends in real time.
Tracking investigations using Speeki
Speeki’s case management and tracking features help you build knowledge about issues reported in your ESG programmes. They enable you to conduct investigations, compile triage information, and create a dataset essential for your inquiries.
With robust permissions and country/region partitioning, the confidentiality of investigations is always safeguarded. Configure the Speeki platform to support your business and comply with local laws regarding access and the partitioning of sensitive data.

Managing multiple sites and locations with Speeki
In some countries, there is a need to segregate access and data for specific individuals due to local laws or restrictions related to sensitive subject matter.
Speeki offers exceptional flexibility in configuration to support the ongoing segregation of data across large organisations
Analysing trends and gaps to predict potential risks
Engage® can be applied to any ESG focus area or across ESG as a whole. Using Engage® helps you build a system with clear objectives, goals, and measurable outcomes. You can select the number of risk areas to focus on and prioritise how to manage them.
When combined with other data from the Speeki platform (e.g., survey results, declarations, audits, social listening), the data begins to tell your ESG story and predict how you will address ESG risks moving forward.

Speeki is revolutionising ESG through its advanced reporting and case management features.
Want to know more? Sign up for one of our Speeki Academy live online courses or reach out to a salesperson for a chat or demonstration.