Speeki Europe expands its assurance portfolio with the ISO 26000 standard on social responsibility

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Speeki Europe expands its assurance portfolio with the ISO 26000 standard on social responsibility

Understanding ISO 26000

ISO 26000 is an international set of guidelines that provides guidance on the underlying principles of social responsibility, recognising social responsibility and engaging stakeholders to integrate socially responsible behaviour into the organisation.

One challenge companies face is ensuring that their operations align with social responsibility principles. ISO 26000 can help by providing a framework for companies to assess and improve their social impact, fostering sustainable practices and positive relationships with stakeholders.

Benefits of ISO 26000 certification

ISO 26000 certification signifies a commitment to social responsibility. It can benefit your organisation with:

  • better governance systems – ISO 26000 integrates social responsibility principles into decision-making, promoting transparency and ethical behaviour
  • respect for human rights – the certification emphasises the importance of respecting human rights within operations and supply chains
  • improved environmental engagement companies are encouraged to reduce their environmental impact and enhance performance beyond regulatory compliance
  • enhanced reputation through ethics – ISO 26000 fosters fair practices, including relationships between companies and government agencies as well as between organisations and their partners, suppliers, contractors, customers, competitors and the associations of which they are members. 

Speeki Europe strengthens its assurance portfolio with ISO 26000

Speeki Europe now helps companies certify their social programmes by confirming that they have been built following the guidelines of ISO 26000.

Benefits of partnering with Speeki Europe for an ISO 26000 certification

At Speeki Europe, we are dedicated to assisting organisations in elevating their social responsibility through a review of their programmes and an ISO 26000 certification. Our comprehensive approach and unyielding commitment to excellence empower your business to not only meet but exceed the guidelines.

  • Partner with Speeki Europe to master social responsibility through ISO 26000 implementation
  • Leverage Speeki Europe's 10+ years of expertise in ESG and sustainability for effective governance certifications
  • Benefit from expert auditors specialised in ESG and sustainability, ensuring a thorough validation and practical guidance 

Other ISO certifications offered by Speeki

Speeki offers a comprehensive range of certifications to assist organisations in achieving excellence across various domains, including risk management, governance, anti-bribery, whistleblowing, fraud control, investigations and compliance.

  • ISO 31000 risk management certification
  • ISO 37000 governance certification
  • ISO 37001 anti-bribery certification
  • ISO 37002 whistleblowing certification
  • ISO 37003 fraud control certification
  • ISO 37008 investigations certification
  • ISO 37301 compliance certification 

Assurance of non-financial business aspects is a must

Speeki, through its assurance subsidiary Speeki Europe, has been at the forefront of ISO standard certifications for many years. As ESG and sustainability obligations have significantly increased for companies, so too has the pressure to obtain assurance of the non-financial aspects of their business.

With greenwashing risks becoming significant for companies that must publicly report their ESG and sustainability disclosures, Speeki Europe has expanded its offerings around key ESG and sustainability areas to help companies minimise those risks.

‘If companies want to avoid risks when making ESG and sustainability disclosures, they should have their reports assured,’ says Scott Lane, CEO and President of Speeki Europe. ‘That assurance process will be significantly less expensive and complex if the company has already achieved ISO certifications on some or all underlying data and systems. Assurance bodies can rely on and should recognise the quality of ISO-accredited certification bodies regarding those matters, acknowledging interoperability of frameworks and requirements to simplify the entire assurance process.’

To help companies navigate the assurance of their non-financial data and manage their underlying risks, Speeki Europe has expanded its ISO certification solutions. The process of obtaining these certifications involves a structured system that not only improves companies’ systems but also aids in the assurance of their ESG and sustainability disclosures.

‘Areas like governance, risk, compliance, privacy, sanctions, human rights, ethics, whistleblowing, social compliance and others are now all able to be assessed or certified by a certification body,’ says Scott. ‘By expanding our solutions into this market in addition to our existing solutions around anti-bribery, Speeki Europe is providing a strong backbone to any company that takes ESG and sustainability seriously.’

ISO 26000: Strengthen your organisation's socially responsible conduct with Speeki Europe

Embrace ISO 26000 with the help of Speeki Europe, an accredited certification body committed to fortifying your strategies and ensuring effective implementation of social responsibility guidelines.

Strengthen your organisation's socially responsible conduct with our comprehensive services to ensure that your company meets the ISO 26000 guidelines, focusing on implementation, control and improvement.

For more information about Speeki Europe, visit this page or our LinkedIn.