Speeki Sustainability Score™

Quality. Depth. Evidence.
Our difference in three words.


Speeki Sustainability Score™ is as close to an audit that you will get without an audit.

We do not believe that a simple auto-scored questionnaire can provide reassurance that a company has achieved a certain level of ESG and Sustainability expertise.

Similarly, we are not convinced that a flashy logo displayed on your retail shop signifies competence in managing ESG and Sustainability.

However, we firmly believe in a balanced approach that combines self-disclosure, interviews, and thorough document reviews to support an evidence-based rating and score.

Speeki Sustainability Score™ is an evidence- based solution for ESG and Sustainability

The Speeki Sustainability Score™ is an evidence-based solution. Companies undertaking the assessment process must be able to substantiate their actions. While gathering their views and aspirations is part of the process, our focus is on a thorough analysis of their ESG and Sustainability initiatives. Companies seeking a Speeki Sustainability Score™ will need to provide detailed evidence to justify their positions. The Speeki team responsible for assessing the applications will conduct a comprehensive review of all submitted documents.

We only offer a Speeki Sustainability Score™ to companies that meet a high threshold

Companies must meet a threshold to obtain a Speeki Sustainability Score™. Even our lowest score, the Speeki Sustainability Score™ Silver, is still a commendable result. For companies that do not meet this threshold, there is an opportunity to improve their programmes and reapply at no cost.

Our focus is to help all applicants achieve the minimum Speeki Sustainability Score™ Silver level for each assessment they undertake. From there, they can work towards elevating their score to the Speeki Sustainability Score™ Platinum level.

What is our difference from a company offering
'Sustainability Certification'?

A Score is not a certification.

The certification of a company's ESG and Sustainability practices should cost significantly more—ideally 1000 times the cost of an assessment and scoring. Exercise caution if you are obtaining or relying on a certification offered by anyone other than an accredited certification body according to a recognised standard.

  • Certifications should never be based on self-declarations or cursory glances at documents.

  • If you want a certification then achieve an ISO certification that means something.


Substance over a logo

Speeki focuses on substance not 'cool feel good marketing'.
At Speeki, we focus on substance rather than 'cool feel-good marketing.' While we provide a mark of success for clients to showcase their score, this is highly structured and controlled, awarded only after a rigorous process that thoroughly assesses the data and documents.

  • Substance over form is important and the quality of the assessment process is key.

  • Our focus is to produce the highest quality assessments at an affordable price.


Targeted and Specific

Our assessments primarily focus on discrete areas of ESG and Sustainability. We believe that a broad-brush 'Sustainability' assessment can be very challenging for any company, given the complexity of these topics.

  • Caution should be exercised about a broad system to assess sustainability across too many topics.

  • Start off small and build up.


Our people, our approach, our methodology, our questions, our focus on evidence, and our reporting all distinguish us in ratings and scoring.

A Speeki Sustainability Score™ adds significant value to your qualification process. It also provides the supplier with a comprehensive report and scorecard, highlighting areas for improvement. Suppliers are encouraged to enhance their practices and resubmit their assessments annually. The Speeki Sustainability Score™ benefits both you and your supplier by offering direct guidance, actionable answers, and clear improvement steps.

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Our questions in the assessment are practical and relevant

We have designed our questions to effectively probe companies, ensuring that ESG and Sustainability are not merely a 'paper strategy' but are truly embedded within the company and its operations.

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Our scoring system helps companies aim higher

Our scoring model starts at 50/100. If your score falls below this level, you will need to restart your process at a later date. You must achieve at least 50/100 to obtain a basic score.

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Our focus on evidence means we require verification

We place a strong emphasis on verifying and validating the answers provided. Our analysis involves a thorough examination of the submitted documents, which we rate as part of our evaluation process.

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Our pricing is valued by smaller companies

We understand that the costs associated with ESG and Sustainability can be excessive for small companies. Therefore, we have established a simple and affordable pricing model to help these businesses get started and address these critical issues.

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We have made it easy for companies to sponsor your suppliers

You can sponsor your suppliers to complete one or more assessments, giving them a head start on their sustainability journey.

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We take our role seriously and add value in our reporting

The team responsible for producing the Speeki Sustainability Score™ takes this role seriously and dedicates the time necessary to ensure accuracy. Our reporting is designed to add value, providing direction and outlining best practices.

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Increased transparency

We are open about our approach, methodology, and scoring system, ensuring transparency for all our users.

Sponsor a supplier and support them to improve their ESG and Sustainability

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    We recognise that suppliers are often the weakest link in your ecosystem and need support to improve.

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    Scorecards are provided for each of the different ESG initiatives completed by the supplier—offering independent analysis of key ESG risk areas and confidential results, the publication of which you and your supplier control.

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    Providing a sponsorship model allows you to financially support your suppliers.

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    New laws, such as CSDDD, will require you to take on additional responsibilities and support your suppliers.

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    If suppliers don’t receive support, they may never take ESG seriously.

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    From a risk perspective, it is likely that you will be held liable for your suppliers' actions in the eyes of your stakeholders. A little support can go a long way.

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    Your supplier can derive significant value for little or no cost from your company.

How is a Speeki Sustainability Score™ different from a ratings agency that rates a company's ESG?

  • Focused areas and topics

    A Speeki Sustainability Score™ is not just one “ESG assessment”; it comprises 19 different assessments across multiple areas. It breaks ESG and Sustainability into separate components and forms an assessment based on these specific areas.

  • Feedback to the supplier is given

    Most ratings are simply that: a rating. The Speeki Sustainability Score™ is different; it provides something of value to both you and the supplier – actionable feedback based on expert guidance.

  • Engagement with the supplier directly

    Most ratings agencies never engage with the company; they just scrape data from the internet and make an automated assessment. The Speeki Sustainability Score™ engages with the supplier, working closely with them to gather the most information possible for their assessment.

  • Not just based on web crawling

    Ratings agencies rely on public data available on websites, which is not always realistic since most companies do not share this kind of information publicly. The Speeki Sustainability Score™ does not scrape information; the assessment is completed, documents are uploaded, and evidence is reviewed and reported upon.

  • Documentation and evidence-based

    The Speeki Sustainability Score™ involves reviewing policies, procedures, stakeholder assessments, dashboards, and other information uploaded by the supplier. The Speeki Sustainability Score™ process is documentation-based, not merely relying on hollow boxes ticked on web forms.

  • Get a scorecard with guidance

    Most ratings agencies are driven by their customer subscriptions and their ability to generate revenue from the collected data. The Speeki Sustainability Score™ process is focused on building better suppliers who manage their risks more effectively to reduce your risk and improve the planet.

  • Public results at your supplier's decision

    Speeki does not publish the results of the Speeki Sustainability Score™ unless specifically requested by the supplier on whom the assessment was conducted. It is entirely the supplier's decision.

  • Expertise in Speeki adds significant value

    The Speeki Sustainability Score™ is delivered by the experts at Speeki. We are neither a ratings agency nor a technology company; we use technology to support our experts in providing our solutions.

Speeki Sustainability Score™ is part of our solution for supplier onboarding.

Check out Speeki Path™ – our product to risk-rate suppliers, Speeki Trust™ – our background check service, Speeki OnBoard™ – our contracting solution, and Speeki Partner Integrity™ – our audit solution for suppliers.


Browse topics

Good ESG management systems

*Includes risk areas that continue to be developed by the Speeki Sustainability Score™ assessments.