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Risk Areas: Whistleblowing

Empower speaking up.

Act now

Typical challenges

Creating an environment where everyone feels comfortable to speak up at any time without fear of retribution

Providing a clear, confidential, and anonymous route for anyone to report any form of wrongdoing at any time using any device

Complying with an ever increasing myriad of whistleblowing rules, best practices, laws and regulations in the countries in which the organisation operates

Navigating the continuing global expansion of legislative rights and remedies for whistleblowers and encouraging people to report matters to you first before approaching the media or the regulators

Protect your business by making it easy for stakeholders to report misconduct

Whistleblowing is when an employee or other stakeholder reports wrongdoing to the organisation. Whistleblowing reports may include criminal wrongdoing, conflicts of interest, environmental damage, or health and safety concerns in the workplace.

The practice of speaking up and making a report promotes transparency, compliance, and fair treatment. Openness among employees helps cultivate dedication to the company’s mission and objectives. Similarly, transparency facilitates clear and effective business communication. Having these issues raised to management quickly allows employees to refocus on other matters, such as core business needs and the organisation’s success.

Whistleblowing is essential to protect a company’s customers and indirectly safeguard your organisation by combatting fraud and misconduct. The alternative is risking legal prosecution, significant fines, and a public scandal, all of which can lead to a substantial loss of reputation.
Use Speeki to provide a whistleblowing solution and follow up reported wrongdoing before it can escalate into a crisis.

Supporting people to raise matters is easier said than done. It takes great focus and determination to build an environment where speaking up is encouraged.

People fear retaliation when they report misdeeds and misconduct – especially in jurisdictions where they do not enjoy employment protection – so they may be reluctant to raise issues.

Building an environment where people feel comfortable speaking up and reporting concerns is always a challenge for most companies. Speeki is focused on helping organisations navigate this challenge with guidance, advice, procedures, and, of course, the Speeki Platform.

Measure the health of your organisation – differently

Initially, it may seem that whistleblowing brings more problems to light, but the opposite is true: in a healthy organisation, employees feel empowered and confident enough to raise concerns, which indicates they want the company to be more successful.

Speeki can help you track whistleblowing issues and present chart analyses of the results in a dashboard for at-a-glance actionable understanding.

Drive your organisation to its full potential

Encouraging all stakeholders to speak up builds trust and rapport and demonstrates that your company is committed to being ethical and responsible.

Use Speeki Reports to receive submissions and assure whistleblowers that their anonymity is guaranteed (where permitted by law) through our always-accessible virtual assistant, Nicole. She will engage and pose questions to help reporters provide accurate and complete information.

How Speeki can help

Talk to an Expert


Design, implement, measure, and manage a management system around each key risk area.

We provide your company with integrated solutions to listen to your stakeholders. Whether they report through the Speeki Platform or talk about an issue on social media, our solutions capture that data for you to investigate more effectively.


Address issues while they are still emerging.

Speeki’s experienced whistleblowing experts, along with the data held within your Speeki Platform, supercharge your knowledge and insights about what is happening across the company. We join the dots to help predict where issues might be occurring that have not yet been reported.


Leverage all your great work and derive value from your investment in ESG.

We help build whistleblowing programmes and assess them against best practices and published standards. We also help identify areas for improvement, assist with triage and investigations, and conduct training on best practices.

Building a whistleblowing system is more than just a hotline or a web form.

Speeki provides a comprehensive solution for companies looking to implement an effective whistleblowing system.