Obtain your own rating on a particular ESG topic and show it off to the World.
Speeki has its own solution called Speeki Sustainability Score® where companies participate in obtaining a scorecard on one or more ESG topics. The company provides information to Speeki, engages in dialogue, and attends interviews before we award a private and confidential score and scorecard of your programme.

Speeki Sustainability Score® and the issuance of a scorecard are private, confidential, and we don't sell your data to make money.
Our competitors scan the internet for data on your ESG programmes and then give you a rating, sometimes without any engagement at all. They then package those ratings into other products and sell them to finance houses for profit. That is not our style.
We assess your programmes based on the data you provide to us, along with some dialogue, and produce a confidential scorecard.
Our assessments are private and confidential.
The buyer decides whether to publish their scorecard. We provide the indication, and they decide.
Our grant of a Speeki Sustainability Score® is not automated.
Speeki has a platform for our reviews, including supplier risk assessments, where you upload data, but it is not automated. Real experts review the data, engage in dialogue, and issue the scorecard.

Separate ESG topics, not one 'ESG' assessment.
We don't provide an overall ESG programme assessment as part of this solution. Instead, we provide individual scorecards for each topic. If you are looking for an overall ESG review, check out our products page for our ESG Programme Review, which is a more comprehensive and involved engagement.
We don't sell on data.
It is your data, not ours. We simply review it to help assign a scorecard. Exercise caution when engaging other ratings agencies and seek help to maximise your scores.
Our Speeki Sustainability Score® is designed to help you get better and drive ESG forward.
We provide every buyer of a Speeki Sustainability Score® with feedback on their score and their scorecard. We provide guidance on what they need to do to improve. The company can use this information to improve their systems and drive towards a better score in the next review period.
Focus on Improvement
Our approach is to help you strive to get better according to our assessment criteria and improve your score.
Fill gaps – substance
We focus on helping you bridge the gaps. We can't do it for you, but we can show you where the gaps are.
ESG insights
Explore our expert articles on assessing and building great ESG programmes

Each score is on a specific area and you can build as many as you wish.
We think it is very tough to build a ESG Score. We believe in building smaller scores that allow companies top focus their attention on what is important to them.
Speeki Sustainability Score® is completed by our ESG experts
We know ESG and how to assess programmes. This is not an automated solution.
Speeki Sustainability Score® is assessed against a standard
Our scorecards are designed to reflect conformity with published frameworks, ISO standards, and international best practices on the relevant topic.
Scorecards are great guidance
Our scorecards, the main output of our assessments, provide guidance, direction and help to build a better ESG risk assessment system. They are directly related to improvement of your programmes.

Jenna Kim
Jenna Kim has been involved in compliance, governance and ESG for over 15 years. Entering the field through a marketing background, Jenna understands how to draw value out of ESG programmes and use the Speeki Sustainability Score® and scorecard as a step in communicating that value.
We want to be your partner in assessing your programmes and providing excellent guidance for improvement.
Our focus is on your progress. We aim to help you achieve the highest scorecard across all assessed areas. We understand the positive impact this can have on your stakeholders and strive to elevate each of your programmes to a level of maturity that adds real value.
Our goal is to be your partner, offering expert support and guidance on making the assessment process a competitive advantage for your business. We're focused on your success, helping you improve the maturity of your programmes and move up to the next level.
The 'E' in ESG is critical. The sooner companies address environmental issues and improve their efforts, the greater the chance we have to tackle major climate and sustainability challenges. While knowing your scorecard alone won't fix the planet, healthy competition to improve your score can certainly help.
If you decide to pursue a rating from an external ratings agency, focusing on improving your rating will undoubtedly lead to higher levels of success. Investors pay attention to these ratings, and they are regularly shared with customers and investors through various platforms.
Although we may not always agree with the approach and methodology of ratings agencies, their ratings are widely regarded as an industry standard in financial research. A bit of proactive effort can significantly improve your rating. Playing the game comes with minimal risk but plenty of potential reward.
In business, compensation drives behaviour, and goals drive compensation. Setting company goals to improve your scorecard and ratings in key areas can motivate teams to implement new measures that drive growth and improvement.
Some of the best advice you’ll receive comes through Speeki Assessments. We work with Speeki clients to help them achieve higher levels of maturity, guiding them through the process without the need for ever-increasing consulting fees.
Speeki ensures privacy and confidentiality by using real experts to review the data and engage in dialogue. The issuance of a scorecard is private and confidential, with companies deciding whether or not to publish it.
We require data related to specific ESG programmes for the assessment process but do not conduct an overall ESG programme assessment. We issue individual scorecards for each ESG topic based on the data provided.
The key difference is that Speeki provides individual scorecards for each ESG topic rather than an overall assessment. This helps companies by giving them a clear understanding of their performance in specific ESG areas.
Speeki's areas of focus for achieving a great ESG and Sustainability materiality assessment include materiality assessments, third-party ESG assessments, compliance risk assessments, and insights into building effective ESG programmes.
Our team helps companies improve their ESG programmes and achieve higher scorecards by providing expert guidance, support, and tailored strategies to elevate the maturity of their programmes.
Obtaining a rating from a separate ratings agency can boost credibility and recognition. Speeki supports companies in preparing for this process through a ratings health assessment and a ratings improvement strategy to enhance their scores.