Getting Started with Speeki

Effortlessly report incidents or share feedback through Speeki's app or web portal. Simplify communication and improve incident management today!

To begin using the Speeki services, you are suggested to activate the following services if you have not yet done so.

  • Install Speeki app and activate/register an account.
Install Speeki App from App Store or Google Play

👉 Learn how to use Speeki via mobile app

👉 Learn how to use Speeki via web portal

What is Speeki?

Speeki is an application allow you to report incidents or provide feedback through an app on your phone or a web portal from your computer. You can also disclose conflicts of interests, or submit Gift & Entertainment requests depending on your organisation set up.

In general, an employee can use Speeki for:

  • Reporting a misconduct incident/ speak-up anonymously or non-anonymously.
  • Send private message to follow up (anonymously) with your company on a specific incident.

For Compliance Team/ Case Managers

The Speeki Platform hosts a powerful suite of features to help you comply and engage with your employees and stakeholders effectively. Depending on your organisation's subscriptions, you may log in to the Speeki Platform to perform the following tasks:

  • Manage and communicate with the reporters on whistleblowing reports. Including having confidential conversations via private chats and sharing documents instantly.
  • Review and follow up compliance requests like conflicts disclosures, insider trading declarations, gifts, travel and entertainment requests, and your annual compliance survey.

You can obtain a copy of our user guide for Compliance team members or case managers by contacting your administrator or by emailing

For technical support, please email to support(at)