When was the last time that you actually used a telephone to call someone? Was that because you could not use an app on your phone to get what you wanted done? Or was the person you were trying to reach not on WhatsApp, Telegram, Skype, Signal, Facebook Messenger or any one of the other free messaging applications you have installed on your smartphone?
While frustrating, using the telephone to actually dial a number is relatively common in some parts of the world and for certain age groups. While it is decreasing in its appeal and usage, there is some value in using a classic telephone to reach people to chat, get support or engage in some other dialogue.
At Speeki, we have adopted an app-first approach to our technology. People who want to raise an issue with one of our subscriber companies will mostly do so using the Speeki app or via a computer browser. We took this approach because our corporate subscribers have a predominantly young workforce who are app savvy and would prefer the flexibility and ease of using an app to having to pick up a phone and make a call.
Of course, a traditional compliance hotline company would require you to call a call centre and have dialogue with a person who asks you questions and types the answers into a case management system. This is not a particularly complex process – it does not necessarily add value, but it does provide some mechanism for reporting issues via a phone call.
As is always the case with our approach to technology at Speeki, we wanted to take this functionality and upskill it, improve it and bring it into the 21st century. We gave users the ability to report issues to their subscriber companies through a standard telephone line; however, in true Speeki style, we made it better.
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> Speeki eLine uses voice-over-IP technology. Subscriber companies can set up a dedicated telephone number in a host of selected countries in minutes and with zero fuss – there is no need to register with carriers, sign contracts, or agree to long processes and usage rights. It is ready for immediate usage.
> The use of 1800 numbers and their equivalent is an analogue nightmare for traditional compliance hotline providers. They are difficult to obtain, and they are expensive. New technologies are much cheaper and much easier. Using the latest technology also makes it simple and inexpensive to include multilingual support.
> Speeki also uses an interactive voice system where Nicole, our AI compliance agent, answers the calls and follows the same process as when you raise an issue through the Speeki app. The same service and the same level of automation make it simple and seamless for anyone to use.
Speeki eLine gives users the ability to report issues using a traditional dedicated phone line. It’s an old idea but uses new technology, giving more options for more people to ‘Hear all voices’.
To find out more about Speeki eLine and how Nicole works, click here.