Elevate compliance with Speeki

Certify any compliance management system with ISO 37301

Speeki's ISO 37301 certification services can apply to any compliance programme and any law – from human rights to modern-day slavery and corporate due diligence.

Benefits of ISO 37301 certification

We believe ISO 37301 is the best way to manage compliance for several reasons.

Simple and easy to follow

ISO 37301 is a simple guided framework to build compliance systems management around key issues. The same standard covers multiple issues, so you can build multiple programmes using the same ISO 37301 system. There is no need to learn something new every time.

Prove compliance with one image

Once you obtain ISO 37301 certification, you can just show your certificate and nearly guarantee that it will be your 'entry permit' to more discussions with your customer, regulator or partners. It is well known to be valuable proof of compliance.

Improved compliance with laws and regulations

There is no doubt that if you gain a certification for your ISO 37301 compliance system you should feel very comfortable that you have invested in the safest way to stay compliant and avoid breaches. If there is an issue, your system should detect it and enable you to address it proactively.

Enhanced reputation by proving compliance

ISO 37301 certification from Speeki Europe elevates your organisation's reputation as responsible and compliant. Gain the brand presence of a certification and attract customers, investors and employees who value a strong compliance culture. Stand out as an attractive investment target, backed by a robust compliance framework.

Use ISO 37301: human rights, modern-day slavery, corporate due diligence and more

Strengthen your organisation's compliance initiatives with ISO 37301 and a certification from Speeki Europe. Our comprehensive services help you build a resilient framework, prevent underlying breaches and ensure compliance with relevant laws. Safeguard your reputation, enhance transparency and lead with integrity.

Why Speeki Europe is your global ISO 37301 certification body

At Speeki Europe, we assist organisations in elevating compliance through ISO 37301 certification. Our comprehensive approach and unyielding commitment to excellence empower your business to meet and surpass your compliance commitments. Leverage our compliance management system software to stay ahead in managing regulatory demands.

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An accredited certification body for ISO management systems

Speeki Europe, an ANAB and COFRAC* accredited certification body, excels in guiding organisations to master their management systems. We are committed to strengthening your strategies and ensuring they meet and exceed your commitments to compliance.
* (COFRAC: Comité Français d’Accréditation is the French Accreditation Body (COFRAC Accreditation N°4-0609. List of locations and scope available at www.cofrac.fr).

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Global expertise in ISO 37301 and maximising compliance

Speeki Europe's global reach and expertise in compliance make us the ideal partner in your compliance journey. You gain access to the wisdom and insights of seasoned professionals in ISO 37301 and CMSs.

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Our auditors are experts in compliance and underlying law

Our secret weapon is our auditors. They are practical, comprehensively understand compliance risks and are excellent communicators. We have the expert skills to add value as your certification partner.

Meet an ISO 37301 expert

Pauline Bailly

Pauline is the leader of our assurance and certifications business. Pauline is the lead for all assurance solutions across Speeki. She has a detail-oriented and practical approach to helping companies prove the value of their ESG efforts to stakeholders through assurance.

Meet ISO 37001 Expert - Pauline Bailly

Certify any compliance system with ISO 37301 in four steps

Many global companies are acutely aware of their obligations to have a compliance system to manage multiple risk areas. ISO 37301 allows you to speed up the compliance process and be certified for any compliance system on any topic.

Attain ISO 37301 certification through a four-step process with Speeki

Take the definitive step towards ISO 37301 certification through Speeki Europe. We are your ally in certifying a robust CMS in harmony with the ISO 37301 standard, while also ensuring your system aligns with broader ISO 31000 risk management standards.
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Choose an ISO 37301 certification body

It is crucial to select an experienced and accredited certification body. Speeki Europe has over a decade of experience certifying companies globally, reinforcing our status as leaders in the domain.

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Grasp the ISO 37301 requirements

The simplicity of ISO 37301 belies the importance of comprehending its requirements. Speeki Europe, while maintaining an impartial stance, is poised to offer training and practice audits to ensure you are well acquainted with the ISO 37301 standard. We know the standard very well and know how to manage audits. Join a Speeki Academy or in-house training session to learn about the standard and its benefits.

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Implement a CMS for one or more key risk areas

With insights into ISO 37301, you can now build your CMS or augment an existing compliance programme to meet ISO 37301. The process is simple: you follow the standard.

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Validate your ISO 37301 compliance

With a compliance management system (CMS), you're ready to pursue ISO 37301 certification. Speeki Europe will conduct an audit to validate your organisation's compliance with the standard. Certification is valid for three years and involves a comprehensive audit in the first year and follow-up audits in subsequent years to address any changes.

Get your ISO 37301 certification

If you are successful in the audit, you will be issued a certificate of conformity to ISO 37301. This certificate will demonstrate to your stakeholders that your organisation is committed to preventing the risks identified in your CMS. It is the ultimate way to prove the value of your compliance efforts and be rewarded for all your hard work in building a compliance programme.

Business advantages of getting ISO 37301 certified

ISO 37301 certification brings numerous benefits. It establishes a CMS, mitigates risks and ensures compliance with underlying laws or policies. A certification boosts your reputation as an organisation that takes compliance seriously. Gain a competitive edge, enhance transparency and build stakeholder trust through ISO 37301 certification.

ISO 37301 FAQs

Here are some frequently asked questions about ISO 37301 certification. Feel free to send us your questions if you cannot find answers here.
What is ISO 37301 certification?

ISO 37301 certification signifies that an organisation has implemented a CMS that meets international standards. It demonstrates a commitment to compliance.

What does ISO 37301 encompass?

ISO 37301 outlines requirements for establishing, implementing and maintaining a CMS designed to help organisations prevent, detect and address risks in many risk areas (you choose).

How much does ISO 37301 certification cost?

The cost of ISO 37301 certification varies depending on factors such as the size of the organisation, the complexity of operations and the certification body. We can prepare a quote so you can start budgeting.

What can ISO 37301 be applied to prevent?

ISO 37301 is applied to prevent any compliance risk in an organisation. It helps establish policies, procedures and controls for identifying and mitigating risks and ensuring compliance with laws and regulations.

What is a ‘compliance management system’?

A compliance management system refers to policies, practices, training, controls and actions aimed at preventing, detecting and addressing risks from happening, with which you need to comply.

What is the principle of compliance?

The principle of compliance involves adhering to an underlying legal or policy requirement, ensuring transparency and accountability, and implementing controls to prevent and detect a risk from happening in an organisation.

Can it be used for anti-bribery compliance?

Technically, yes – but there is a specific anti-bribery standard called ISO 37001 that might be more appropriate.

What is a CMS in ISO 37301?

A CMS in ISO 37301 refers to a ‘compliance management system’. It comprises policies, procedures and controls designed to help organisations prevent, detect and address compliance with laws or policies for a risk area.

Is ISO 37301 mandatory?

ISO 37301 is not mandatory but is highly recommended for organisations seeking to establish a robust compliance framework. It's a globally recognised standard that enhances reputation and builds trust.

What is a compliance policy?

A compliance policy is a commitment to adhere to certain principles, establishing the framework for a CMS. It sets the tone for ethical behaviour and provides guidance on addressing the risks you are trying to avoid.

How does ISO 37301 benefit organisations?

ISO 37301 helps reduce risks, ensure compliance with laws, enhance reputation, increase stakeholder trust and improve operational efficiency by implementing a structured management system.

Can small businesses benefit from ISO 37301?

Absolutely! ISO 37301 is suitable for organisations of any size. Small businesses can equally benefit from enhanced reputation, compliance and trust from stakeholders by adopting this standard.

Is ISO 37301 recognised globally?

Yes, ISO 37301 is a global standard for CMSs and is recognised and respected worldwide. It helps organisations align with international best practices in compliance.

How do I select a certification body for ISO 37301?

Choose a certification body with experience in ISO 37301 and lawyers and experts who understand the underlying legal or business issue. Evaluate potential certification bodies' credentials, expertise and client testimonials. Speeki Europe is a reputable certification body with vast experience.

How is ISO 37301 certification maintained?

ISO 37301 certification is maintained through continual improvement, regular internal audits and periodic surveillance audits by the certification body to ensure ongoing compliance with the standard.

How long does it take to become ISO 37301 certified?

The timeframe for ISO 37301 certification varies depending on the size and complexity of the organisation, but it typically takes several weeks from the initial steps to the final certification.

What are the legal implications of not having a CMS?

Without a CMS, organisations are more vulnerable to risk and may face legal consequences, including fines, penalties and reputational damage if found violating laws.

Who needs to be involved in the implementation of ISO 37301?

Implementing ISO 37301 involves top management, compliance officers, legal, HR, finance, procurement and all employees to ensure a comprehensive approach to compliance.

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Start your ISO 37301 journey with Speeki Europe

Partner with Speeki Europe and let our expertise streamline your path to ISO 37301 accreditation.
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